Aim Higher
AimHigher West Midlands is a partnership of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) i.e. Universities that work in collaboration with schools, academies and colleges. The partnership aims to increase the access that young people from less advantaged backgrounds have to high quality, exciting and challenging experiences. These opportunities are designed to enhance students’ careers education by motivating, inspiring and providing accurate information, advice and guidance about higher education.
In addition to a range of external visits, AimHigher visit local schools and colleges to conduct workshops that provide information, advice and guidance on higher education, and on the learning and career choices young people and their parents or carers face.
- They run masterclasses, University campus visits, Higher Education taster sessions and employer taster sessions to give young people in Y9, 10 and 11 the chance to see how exciting, diverse and challenging the opportunities are for them, post-16.
- They train current university students to work as mentors with hundreds of school and college learners every year.
- They hold residential summer schools, so young people can get first-hand experience of what life is like as a university student.
- They work with employer organisations, to give young people chances to explore the incredible range of graduate level careers available.
Disclaimer: Please be aware that the AimHigher programme is not available to every student and that certain parameters have to be met in order for students to qualify for the AimHigher programme. AimHigher determines the selected parameters and these cannot be changed by King Edward VI King’s Norton School for Boys