Friday 7th February

Maintaining a safe school community in the face of the challenges of Knife Crime

I am sure that you will have been closely following the very recent knife crime incidents in Birmingham and Sheffield. These are horrific situations that none of us would want to experience in our own communities; our thoughts are with those who are directly affected.

Knife crime is a tough topic to write about. By addressing it, some in our community might be inclined to think we have a problem at school, but by not addressing it, we prevent open dialogue about the issue. What is clear is that doing nothing is the only wrong option. We need to continue to work together to help our boys be safe and feel safe.

During the most recent tragedy in Sheffield, Steven Chalke, founder of the Oasis Charitable Trust, emphasised that this problem is societal, affecting all corners of communities. Therefore, I wanted to pull together information to share with you, outlining some of our current practices and the next steps that we will take to enhance our protective measures even further to maintain a safe and aware school community.

My aim in sharing this information is to forge even closer relationships between school and home; by working together, we can maintain our safe school community for our boys.


Education – Raising Awareness

Current Situation

We have talked (in form times, Personal Development sessions and assemblies) about the issue of knife crime. The resources we have utilised have differed from one age group to another to ensure that they are appropriate.

We have also used theatre groups, external speakers and the Police to introduce and discuss these issues from various perspectives. During the National Knife Crime Awareness Campaign, we watched some useful videos in school.

We also carefully select our curriculum to explore societal issues, for instance, studying ‘Pigeon English’ in Key Stage 4 English. It is essential that our curriculum reflects societal challenges and helps us to make our boys active and responsible citizens.

What’s Next?

We will continue to enhance the variety of resources that we use to support our students in exploring and tackling this issue. We are currently booking speakers and looking ahead to Enrichment Week to see how we can continue our mission to inform, educate and provide space to talk about knife crime.


Raising Awareness – Strengthening Links Between School, External Services and Home

Current Situation

In November, we shared the video resources that we have used in school during a period of knife crime awareness organised by West Midlands Police. These had been recommended by our police liaison officers, and they generated some good conversations in school and at home.

The recommended resources for students, parents and teachers can be found here:

[Life or Knife – West Midlands Police] (

What’s Next?

We are currently organising some parent meetings through our Police and School Panel links. These sessions will be shared through the Friday comms and via email. Once we have confirmed the time and date, we will share the details. Places will be available to reserve via ParentPay once we know the dates.

  • Parents’ Session 1       (date TBC) – Max 100 people  

Session details:

Information, advice and guidance on knife crime, signs of concern and the Police’s plans to tackle the issue.

  • Parents’ Session 2       (date TBC) – Max 100 people  

Session details:

Information, advice and guidance on the issues of substance abuse (including vaping) and keeping our boys safe online.


Safety Measures – Lockdown

Current Situation

We have an established lockdown procedure. We do, of course, keep the details limited due to the importance of keeping the specifics concealed. However, be assured that we regularly review and update these processes to ensure they remain effective.

What’s Next?

We will be discussing lockdown procedures with students again leading up to half-term and straight away upon our return. Walk-throughs and practise runs will be run in school, as appropriate. We are aware that doing lockdown practise can cause concern among students, however, we hope that the practises will support them in feeling reassured that procedures are in place.

In the coming months, our police liaison officers will be organising various activities in school to raise awareness in a non-threatening way. For example, police officers and their trained dogs will conduct routine sweeps around the school perimeter.

Similarly, we are working with our linked police officers to organise a ‘knife arch,’ which would provide a one-off security screening for students, similar to security screenings at airports. The main purpose of this intervention would be to reinforce awareness of the issue while reassuring students, through discussions about safety measures in place in school, so they can be calm, relaxed and happy.

We will, of course, provide more information once these interventions are booked in the diary.


Safety Measures – Screening

Current Situation

Current legislation enables staff to screen students, for example, by checking bags and using a ‘wand’ to ensure that nothing is being concealed. We currently have the facilities to screen, and these are used for peace of mind.

More details can be found in the school’s behaviour policy on the website.

What’s Next?

We now feel that it is time to use the screening powers available to us more proactively. It is important that we reinforce the expectation that a King’s Norton boy should not have anything to hide, especially in their personal possessions and the belongings they bring to school.

Whilst we have always been willing to check the possessions and belongings a student brings into school if anything is reported or suspected, we now intend to randomly check the belongings and possessions of several boys each week. This will help us to spread the message of having ‘nothing to hide.’

A select set of staff will be authorised to complete these checks and will be trained to conduct them in a sensitive way. Of course, if a student is unwilling to comply, then we will presume that they have something to hide, and we will ask for support from parents and/or external services.


Thank you for your support and the part you continue to play in making sure our school remains a safe place for our boys to learn, develop and grow.

Best wishes,

Dave Clayton

Friday 31st January 

Good News Story 

Even More PE Successes! 

We are delighted to let you know that all five of our football teams (7-11) qualified and met the requirements to proceed through to the Birmingham Cup Quarter Finals.  That is some achievement! Well done to everyone involved 😊 


We are delighted to inform you that KNSB have recently received two attendance awards through FFT (Family Fisher Trust). Both awards place KNSB in the top 25% of all FFT Secondary Schools in England. This means that our attendance is within the top 25% of 16,000 schools, MATs and academies who are tracked through their software. 

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support with your son’s attendance and punctuality and have attached a link for further guidance regarding illness and attendance.  Is my child too ill for school? – NHS  

So many families have embraced our 48-hour policy for returning to school after illness, which is seeing more boys in school learning.  Thank you – this is making a difference to the school’s data and those boys’ chances of success. 

9-Week Data Headlines 

Our second 9-week monitoring period finished on Friday 24th January, and we are once again thrilled to celebrate such large groups of our school community who are doing well, but we want to share with our wider school community some of the headlines:  

  • In the last 9 weeks over 230,000 commendations have been awarded across all year groups with the average commendations per student being 271. This is the highest number of commendations awarded in any 9-week block to date. 666 students have achieved more than 150 commendations in this 9-week block – an increase of over 100 students when compared against the first 9-week block of the year! 
  • 366 students met school expectations for attendance (97%+) with 221 of these students achieving a 100% attendance record during this 9-week block.   
  • 820 students (99.2%) achieved Merits in this 9-week block. 619 students achieved 150+ Merits – this is 75% of the school population. We hope they enjoy their sweet treat next week.  
  • 131 students achieved the maximum number of Merits in this 9-week block (0 SDfL points loss, 100% attendance and 150+ commendations). This is the second highest number of students that have achieved this since records began. 373 students didn’t lose a single point in block 1 – a huge congratulations to these students who hold themselves to the very highest standards.  

We will continue to remind students that all their hard work across the year, culminating in the collection of Merits, will contribute towards the end of year reward trip. Sweet treats, certificates in school and celebrations within forms will be taking place over the coming week. Please also find below a reminder of how our students qualify for rewards in each 9-week block. 

Perhaps most encouraging is our recognition of all of those wonderful students that we have that simply do the right thing each and every day. Indeed, 61% of the school population demonstrated outstanding behaviour in the last 9-week block! It really is a testament to their commitment and the value they hold for their place at King Edward VI King’s Norton School for Boys. And further still, 79% of the entire school have lost less than 5 points. A huge thank you to the students and staff for this excellent achievement.  

The third 9-week block ends on Friday 4th April. 

We would like to remind students that as well as gaining Merits for their end of year rewards trip, they are all seeking to be in with a chance of winning some amazing prizes at the end of the year. We are working closely with the Student Council to select this year’s prizes but some of the prizes achieved last year were: 

  • Mountain bike (available to year 7 and year 8 students only) – confirmed for 2024-25 
  • Mountain bike (available to year 9 and year 10 students only) – confirmed for 2024-25 
  • Apple Smartwatch 
  • Apple air pods 

We are so excited about making these rewards available to students and we remain committed to rewarding those students that do the right thing day in, day out. The competition end date for these amazing prizes is Friday 12th July.  

INSET Day Reminder Wednesday 5th February 

Please remember that school will be closed to all students on Wednesday next week as we have an INSET Day. 

Social Media Update 

We have decided that we will be removing our school presence on the Social Media platform X; we are not the first organisation to come to this decision.  For now, our accounts will remain in place so that previous content can be viewed, however, we will begin the process of reducing and then stopping our posts on X. We are currently exploring other platforms and looking to integrate any future social media with our Friday comms, and we will update you when we decide which social media platform we will be using in future. 

Mobile Phone Consultation

Thank you to those who have completed the mobile phone survey.  We are quite surprised that we have not had more parents complete this, as it is a hot topic of conversation on many parents’ forums. So far less than 50 parents have shared their views, and we are keen to hear from more.  Please ensure your voice is heard otherwise decisions may be made on the information and views shared by others rather than a balanced views of many parents’ views.

MOBILE PHONE SURVEY (Original text sent in December with the link to the survey at the end)

The Increase in Mobile Phone Use and the Impact of Social Media

In recent years, the use of mobile phones among secondary school students has increased significantly. While these devices can offer valuable educational tools and opportunities for connection, their use has also raised concerns. For example, mobile phones provide young people with constant access to social media, which can have a profound impact on their emotional and social development.

Social media platforms, while allowing students to connect with their peers, can also lead to negative effects such as increased anxiety, cyberbullying and distractions. The pressure to keep up with social media trends, manage online personas and respond to constant notifications can affect students’ mental health and overall well-being. Moreover, excessive mobile phone use can interfere with sleep patterns, reduce face-to-face social interaction and impact concentration in the classroom.

As a school, we want to balance the benefits of technology with its potential drawbacks. This consultation will explore how we can manage mobile phone use in a way that minimises distractions, supports students’ mental health and enhances their educational experience.

The Consultation Process

We will be holding a full stakeholder review and encourage you to complete our survey to provide feedback.

1. What is the objective?

“This consultation aims to review how mobile phone usage is managed in school to ensure a positive learning environment while considering the views of all stakeholders and the school’s educational goals”

In recent months there has been growing awareness of the harmful effects of smartphones on young people’s mental, physical and academic well-being. New research has received extensive media coverage and recently the Australian Government have begun a campaign to raise the age limit on social media apps to 16.   It is beyond doubt that young people spend a lot of time on their phones, on social media and on gaming.  We want to review the views of all involved to see if the school policies support the best interests of our stakeholders and the learning and well-being of our students.

2. Who are the stakeholders and what are their roles in this consultation?


Provide perspectives on their children’s mobile phone usage, their views on the need for connectivity and their opinions on the desired outcomes.

Teachers and Support Staff: 

Share observations on how mobile phones impact on the classroom, on learning and on social dynamics in school.


Offer feedback and insight into why and how they use phones during the school day, and how their mobile device affects their thoughts and feelings.

School Leadership Team:

To review the feedback and the wider landscape, and ensure any changes align with the Education Act, DfE guidance and the school’s broader educational goals, ensuring effective communication, sharing the overall picture of the feedback and providing clarity of the school’s next steps.

3. How will the Consultation be organised?


We will use a combination of surveys, interviews and focus groups to seek feedback and information.


To complete the online survey please visit:

Year 11 Prom

This is a gentle reminder that the deadline to guarantee a Prom ticket is Friday 7th February. We have attached the Prom letter below for your reference. A deposit of £15 must be paid by Friday 7th February otherwise tickets cannot be guaranteed. We are already looking forward to an amazing evening!

Prom letter 2025.docx

Year 11 Period 6 Sessions

Period 6 sessions for students in Year 11 are now ongoing. You should receive individual guidance on which sessions your son is due to attend fortnightly. If you do not, please let us know us know via

Year 11 Key Date Reminders

Week beginning 10th February: this will mark the start of the second round of Pre-Public Exams (PPEs). The exam period will run from the week prior to February half term and for up to two weeks after half term, depending on the subjects being studied by your son. Students are now in receipt of their timetables and should be able to plan their revision accordingly. A copy of the exam timetable can be found here: Year 11 PPE Timetable

Learning Outside the Classroom Award – Press Release

KNSB becomes Birmingham’s only secondary school to achieve highest recognition for Learning Outside the Classroom (LOtC)

King Edward VI King’s Norton School for Boys in Birmingham has received national recognition for its commitment to offering well-planned, engaging and impactful learning beyond the classroom and has been awarded the Gold LOtC Mark by the Council for Learning Outside the Classroom.

The school is the only secondary provider in Birmingham to hold the highest mark, and only the second in the West Midlands.

The Council for Learning Outside the Classroom is a UK-wide charity that champions all learning that happens beyond the classroom. Their work supports educators, schools and organisations who are dedicated to ensuring more children and young people have opportunities for life-changing learning experiences that are not limited to a school environment. They believe that providing students with more opportunities to access high quality learning outside can open their eyes to the world around them, allowing them to develop into well-rounded citizens.

Ben Julian, Head of Outdoor Education and Community Engagement Lead at King Edward VI King’s Norton School for Boys, signed the school up to the programme in early 2023 in the hope of receiving mentoring and to ensure the school’s curriculum and policies aligned with their vision to encourage more outdoor learning. Through the mentoring sessions it quickly became apparent that the school was Gold LOtC Mark worthy and so Mr Julian and the team worked on their submission over 12 months to ensure their offer was the best it could be.

Mr Julian said: “Being awarded the Gold LOtC Mark is a fantastic achievement for both the staff and students here at King Edward VI King’s Norton School for Boys, as it shows that we have worked hard to ensure our students have access to vital opportunities both inside and outside of the classroom. We’re thrilled to have been given official recognition for our efforts and look forward to continuing to embed LOtC within our school curriculum to help more students achieve their potential.”

Since receiving the accreditation, the school has begun working with the Council for Learning Outside the Classroom to become a Gold Hub. This aims to help education settings to engage in the framework of the LOtC Mark, and they plan to start with the other schools within the King Edward VI Academy Trust, which King Edward VI King’s Norton School for Boys joined in early 2024. 

The many benefits of LOtC are now well-evidenced and include improving academic attainment, physical health, emotional well-being, self-esteem and resilience. 

Jodh Dhesi, Chief Executive Officer for the King Edward VI Foundation, said: “We are delighted and incredibly proud of what King Edward VI King’s Norton School for Boys has achieved. Learning outside the classroom has many proven educational benefits as well as providing some of the most memorable experiences in a child’s school life and I look forward to seeing how this work can be implemented and adapted across our Academy Trust and beyond.”

Sparx Reader

Well done to Seb N (Year 7) and Jude W (Year 8) for topping the Sparx Reader leaderboards this week.  These two year groups have now read over 1000 books between them this year.  Parent tip – in English, your son has been given his 9-week completion data.  Ask them what targets they have set themselves around this and perhaps there is a way you can support them in meeting these.

Word of the Week

The Literacy Word of the Week is ‘create’.

The Numeracy Word of the Week is ‘measure’.

Dates for your diary

Monday 10th February Year 11 PPEs begin

Friday 14th February Spring Half Term begins

Thursday 6th March Year 8 Parents’ Evening

Thursday 20th March Year 9 Options Evening

Thursday 27th March Year 9 Parents’ Evening

INSET Days Advance Notice – school will be closed to all students on these days

Wednesday 5th February 2025

Monday 28th April 2025

Friday 24th January 2025

Good News Story 

Earlier this week, we received the following email from a member of the public: 

I am writing to say a huge thank you to two of your kind and mature students who have been a fantastic help to my mother-in-law this afternoon. 

My mother-in-law is visiting us from Albania and today she went for a walk and lost her bearings. She is elderly and does not speak English. She was very upset and two of your students saw her near your school and took great care of her. They comforted her and found an adult to help her, who somehow managed to get hold of an interpreter who spoke Albanian on the phone and then my mother-in-law was able contact my husband. My mother-in-law had been out in the cold for over three hours and is diabetic so needed to get back to our home.  

We are extremely grateful to the two boys who helped her. Unfortunately, she cannot remember any details of the boys, only that they were wearing your uniforms. If you are able to identify the boys, I would be very grateful if you could let me know so that we can drop off them a small token of thanks for them. They were a credit to your school and proved to be good Samaritans today.  

We are delighted that we have managed to identify the boys, Jack G and James D, so they can be appropriately rewarded for being such amazing ambassadors and exemplary citizens in our local community. Well done! 

Year 11 Drama Trip 

Our Year 11 Drama students had a fantastic opportunity to go and see the highly rated musical, Blood Brothers, this week. They had a brilliant theatre experience at Wolverhampton Grande Theatre and have added another strength to their revision of the play, ready for their written examination. 

More PE Successes 

Further to our Good News Story last week, our PE team has been very busy again this week. They had ten fixtures scheduled this week; three were cancelled, they won six and one fixture was lost on penalties. They had an excellent start to the week, with five fixtures in one day on Monday, and five wins.  The students were outstanding in their application of STRIVE values. The five from five victories on Monday were: 

  • Year 10 Basketball won 73-36 v St George 
  • Year 9 Basketball won 36-23 v St George 
  • KNSB beat President Kennedy 2-0 
  • Year 8 Football KNSB won 11-1 v Shenley Academy 
  • Year 9 Football KNSB won 4-0 v Shenley Academy 

On Tuesday KNSB lost against Bishop Walsh 2-2 on penalties and on Wednesday the Year 7 Basketball team beat Bishop Walsh 39-7. 

Our PE staff and sports teams deserve a huge rest at the weekend! 

Year 11 Elevate Sessions 

Year 11 students once again had the benefit of the expertise from Elevate who delivered a seminar about organising their revision and developing good habits for working independently in the run up to their GCSE exams. They discussed the importance of continuing with leisure and social activities and planning their revision sessions around these. The merits of creating study groups were shared, and many students are already planning how they can work with their peers to share the revision load. Feedback about the sessions was hugely positive and Form Tutors will be building on the content in the coming weeks. 

Year 11 Prom – Save the Date Reminder 

Last week we confirmed that this year’s Year 11 Prom will take place on Friday 11th July. Students will be bringing a letter home next week with more details but save this important date in your diary now. 

Year 11 Period 6 Sessions 

Period 6 sessions for students in Year 11 are now ongoing. You should receive individual guidance on which sessions your son is due to attend fortnightly. If you do not, please let us know us know via  

Year 11 Key Date Reminders 

Week beginning 10th February: this will mark the start of the second round of Pre-Public Exams (PPEs). The exam period will run from the week prior to February half term and for up to two weeks after half term, depending on the subjects being studied by your son. Students are now in receipt of their timetables and should be able to plan their revision accordingly. A copy of the exam timetable can be found here: 

Year 8 Parents’ Evening Thursday 6th March 

This will take place in the Sports Hall on Thursday 6th March. You will receive all the information you need in the coming weeks but please save this important date in your diary. 

Advance Notice Tuck Shop 

On Friday 31st January, the Student Council will hold a tuck shop at break time. Sweets and drinks will be available with a maximum spend of £2 per student being permitted.     

Sparx Reader 

Congratulations to Baxter B (Year 7) and Jacob H (Year 8) for topping the leader boards for their respective years.  Last week a total of 33 learners managed same day completion of their Sparx Reader homework and gained 20 commendations each.  Can we beat this number next week?  Parent Tip – are you reading anything at the moment that you can share with your son?  All teachers in school display their current reading material.  You could do the same at home to foster enjoyment of reading. 

Word of the Week 

The Literacy Word of the Week is ‘couple’. 

The Numeracy Word of the Week is ‘angle’. 

Dates for your diary 

Friday 14th February Spring Half Term begins 

Thursday 6th March Year 8 Parents’ Evening 

INSET Days Advance Notice – school will be closed to all students on these days 

Wednesday 5th February 2025 

Monday 28th April 2025 

Friday 17th January 2025

Good News Story Good News Story 

We have had some fantastic results from our basketball and football teams this week, with the Year 8 basketball team winning 44-23 against Queensbridge school, with a standout performance from Rico.  The Year 10 basketball team also won 40-26 against Queensbridge school, and a special mention goes to Matt and Sahal.  And, the Year 11 football team also had a 5-2 victory against George Dixon School and are now progressing to the quarter final; man of the match was Jake who scored a hattrick. What an outstanding start to the new year! 

Year 11 Prom – Save the Date 

We can confirm that this year’s Year 11 Prom will take place on Friday 11th July. We are working on getting the finer details to you and students via a letter shortly but save this important date in your diary now. 

KNGS References 

Each year, we have a significant number of students that apply for Kings Norton Girls’ School 6th Form. As part of the application process to post-16 institutions, they will request a reference from us at KNSB. Due to the sheer number of applicants, over the past two years we have done things slightly differently with KNGS to reduce logistical difficulties arising from the number of applications. A meeting or telephone conversation will take place between KNSB and KNGS whereby each applicant from KNSB will be discussed in detail, the discussion thus serving as their reference. Students who have applied to KNGS may find that their online portal states that they are ‘awaiting a reference’; this is perfectly normal and nothing to worry about. If they receive any correspondence that says their application is ‘incomplete’, then please do let us know, but again understand that this is normal procedure, and they should not panic! 

Year 11 Period 6 Sessions 

Period 6 sessions for students in Year 11 are now ongoing. You should receive individual guidance on which sessions your son is due to attend fortnightly. If you do not, please let us know us know via  

Year 11 Key Date Reminders 

Thursday 23rd January: we will be welcoming Elevate Education back into school next week for their second session of the year supporting Year 11 students with their time management as we approach the summer examinations. 

Week beginning 10th February: this will mark the start of the second round of Pre-Public Exams (PPEs). The exam period will run from the week prior to February half term and for up to two weeks after half term, depending on the subjects being studied by your son. Students are now in receipt of their timetables and should be able to plan their revision accordingly. 

Year 10 Parents Evening 

This will take place in the Sports Hall on Thursday 23rd January. Parents should by now have received via email their School Cloud log in details to enable them to make bookings with their son’s teachers. If you have not received this, please let us know as soon as possible via You will also receive an email early next week reminding you of the procedure for the event so please keep an eye out for this. 

Year 8 Parents’ Evening Thursday 6th March 

This will take place in the Sports Hall on Thursday 6th March. You will receive all the information you need in the coming weeks but please save this important date in your diary. 

Spotlight on Safeguarding January Newsletter 

Click here to read here the Spotlight on Safeguarding January parent newsletter, which contains important and helpful information for parents about sextortion, self-harm and TikTok. Feedback from parents about these regular newsletters has been hugely positive, so please take the time to read this carefully and discuss relevant content with your son. 

‘Mind’ 2023-24 Charity Thank You 

Last year, through our fundraising events as a school, we managed to raise £4639.90 for our chosen Charity, Mind. They recently sent us a letter stating that just £10 can enable one of their trained members of staff to answer a call on their Mind Infoline, showing that our donation really will go a long way to help people in need.  Without the help of all our stakeholders, with events such as Charity Day in July and contributions on non-uniform days, this would not have been possible. Thank you so much for all your hard work and effort. 

Sparx Reader 

Well done to Stefan A in Year 7 and Jacob H in Year 8 who topped the leader boards last week in their respective years.  We have a couple of extra challenges for all Years 7 and 8 to participate in from next week: 

  • Early completion – any boy who completes his SRP on the day it is set gets 20 extra Sparx commendations.   
  • Whole class completion – for every class where the entire class completes their SRP by the deadline, there will be sweet treats.  Who will get there first?   

Any parent queries can be sent to FAO Ms Blythe. 

The Literacy Word of the Week is ‘correspond’. 

The Numeracy Word of the Week is ‘minus’. 

Go Large in the Canteen! 

Dates for your diary 

Thursday 23rd January Year 10 Parents’ Evening 

Friday 14th February Spring Half Term begins 

Thursday 6th March Year 8 Parents’ Evening 

INSET Days Advance Notice – school will be closed to all students on these days 

Wednesday 5th February 2025 

Monday 28th April 2025 

Friday 10th January 2025

Year 7 Periscopes 

Our Year 7 students hit the ground running this term when they were lucky enough to make periscopes in their science lesson. See if you can spot them in the image below… 

Year 11 Parents’ Evening 

Last night, parents of Year 11 students attended their final Parents’ Evening at KNSB to discuss their sons’ progress and how best they can prepare for their summer exams, which are fast approaching. It was lovely to see so many parents supporting their sons, and we want to remind you that we are here to support our boys in what will inevitably be an intense period, so please get in touch if there is anything we need to know or can help with. 

Year 11 Period 6 Sessions 

Period 6 sessions for students in Year 11 will recommence on Monday 13th January. You should receive individual guidance on which sessions your son is due to attend. If you do not, please let us know us know via  

Year 11 Key Dates 

Thursday 23rd January: we will be welcoming Elevate Education back into school for their second session of the year supporting Year 11 students with their time management as we approach the summer examinations. 

Week beginning 10th February: this will mark the start of the second round of Pre-Public Exams (PPEs). The exam period will run from the week prior to February half term and for up to two weeks after half term, depending on the subjects being studied by your son. We are expecting students to receive their timetables for this set of PPEs within the next two weeks. 

Sparx Reader 

The results are in!  The reader with the highest SRP at the end of 2024 was Jude W with a score of 28309.  A massive well done from all of us here at KNSB.  As we begin a new term, who will take on the challenge of beating Jude as the reigning champion?  Parent tip – Kindle ebooks.  I have had a few enquiries about logging Kindle books under Gold Reader.  Instead of scanning a barcode, click on the box that says to ‘enter ISBN’.  This can be found in your e-book near the beginning, typically the acknowledgements page. 

The Literacy Word of the Week is ‘corporate’. 

The Numeracy Word of the Week is ‘divide’. 

Dates for your diary 

Thursday 23rd January Year 10 Parents’ Evening 

Friday 14th February Spring Half Term begins 

INSET Days Advance Notice – school will be closed to all students on these days 

Wednesday 5th February 2025 

Monday 28th April 2025 

Friday 20th December 2024

Christmas Message

We would like to say a massive thank you to all our stakeholders, students, staff, parents, governors, for the teamwork that has gone in to making this Autumn term a successful one. This collaboration is characteristic of our KNSB ‘family’ and why this is such a special place. 

We wish everyone a peaceful holiday with family and friends and look forward to welcoming students back in the new year.

IMPORTANT – Year 11 Parents’ Evening Rescheduled Thursday 9th January 2025

The rescheduled Year 11 Parents’ Evening will now take place in the Sports Hall on Thursday 9th January. Any bookings that parents have made with their son’s teachers will simply be transferred over to this date – there is no need to rebook.

Year 11 Period 6 Sessions

Period 6 sessions for students in Year 11 will recommence on Monday 13th January. More information about which sessions your son needs to attend will be shared with you in the new year.

Autumn Eagle

Click here to access our Autumn edition of the Eagle: In it you will find evidence of the amazing current affairs-related activities that have taken place across the term, with students engaging with a range of topical ideas and showing just what discerning young people they are. We hope that you enjoy this as much as our staff and students did in the making of it.

Dates for your diary

Tuesday 7th January (please note INSET day below) – school reopens to all students 

Please note this will now be a late start for students; all students need to be in their period 2 lessons at 9.50.

Year 11 Rescheduled Parents’ Evening Thursday 9th January 2025

INSET Days Advance Notice – school will be closed to all students on these days

Monday 6th January 2025

Wednesday 5th February 2025

Monday 28th April 2025

Friday 13th December 2024

Good News Story 

Jasper Coates in 7L has passed his Level 2 drumming exam with a Distinction! Well done, Jasper!  

We are always delighted to hear about students’ achievements, both in and out of school. If your son has an achievement to celebrate, we would be thrilled to include it as a Good News Story. 

Christmas Concert 

The Christmas Concert was a wonderful event that took place on Wednesday evening with the school hall being full of families and friends of the boys who were performing. There was a variety of performances throughout the night, with soloists and bands all performing a mixture of Christmas pieces and popular songs, creating a lovely festive atmosphere. 

A huge well done to all the boys who performed on the night and a big thank you to all the staff, parents and instrumental teachers who helped to make this possible. 

Year 11 Parents’ Evening Thursday 19th December 

This will take place in the Sports Hall on Thursday 19th December. Parents should have received via email their School Cloud log in details to enable them to make bookings with their son’s teachers. If you have not received this, please let us know as soon as possible via  

Year 11 Period 6 Sessions 

Period 6 sessions for students in Year 11 will not take place next week or in the first week of the spring term. These will recommence on Monday 13th January. More information about which sessions your son needs to attend will be shared with you in the new year. 

Years 10 and 11 School Dance Reminder Wednesday 18th December 

We will be holding our school dance (joint with KNGS) on the Wednesday 18th December. This will be for students in Years 10 and 11 combined and will be from 6-8 pm. The dance will be held at our school in the main hall, and students will be able to purchase treats and drinks on the evening. 

A text message has been sent out for those who have met the criteria of 96% attendance (our whole school target) and have lost 10 or fewer SDFL behaviour points.  

Please ensure that you confirm your child’s free place via Parent Pay. The deadline is Monday 5pm

Non-Uniform Day Reminder 

To support our chosen charity, Midland Air Ambulance, we will be holding a non-uniform day on Friday 20th December. Students will be encouraged to donate £1 and wear their own clothes, ideally with a Christmas theme, to get everyone in the spirit of the season. 

Early Close 20th December Reminder 

School will close early to all students on Friday 20th December. Students will be dismissed at 12.30 and will need to leave the school site immediately. 

Year 10 Work Experience Deadline 

The deadline for Work Experience forms to be returned to Mr Clifton is Friday 13th December. If your son has not handed his form in, he must do so as soon as possible because the employment Health and Safety checking process is a time consuming one and without this being completed, students cannot attend placements. The likelihood of this being able to be done in time once we are in the spring term is small, so getting any outstanding forms in next week is key. 

Please have a careful look at the list below, as the local food bank will only accept certain items:  


Winter Health Information 

Local NHS services have requested that we share information with you about managing winter health issues. Please click here to access these important documents:

Sparx Reader 

As we near the end of the autumn term it is inspiring to see that students in Years 7 and 8 have read for 1621 hours and completed 647 books.  Currently, 7N3 and 8N1 are out in the lead for their year groups.  Which groups will win by the end of next week?  Parent tip – if your son is struggling on Sparx reader get them to log the difficulty rating of how they find that book. Sparx Reader is adaptive and will adjust to the feedback, providing them with a more accessible text that still offers adequate challenge. 

Literacy and Numeracy Word of the Week 

Every week students get a literacy and numeracy Word of the Week.  These are displayed in form time and around school.  Parents can support this by asking their sons what the word means, using it in conversation and getting them to spot anywhere it is used, such as on TV or in a book. 

Literacy Word of the Week: ‘core’ 

Numeracy Word of the Week: ‘arc’ 

Dates for your diary 

Thursday 19th December Year 11 Parents’ Evening 

Friday 20th December – school closes for Christmas break 

Please note this will be an early finish – students will be dismissed from school at 12.30. 

Tuesday 7th January (please note INSET day below) – school reopens to all students  

Please note this will now be a late start for students; all students need to be in their period 2 lessons at 9.50. 

INSET Days Advance Notice – school will be closed to all students on these days 

Monday 6th January 2025 

Wednesday 5th February 2025 

Monday 28th April 2025 

Friday 06th December 2024

Good News Story 

Last night, we welcomed our Year 7 parents to their very first Parents’ Evening with us. Despite the rain, there was a massive turn out, and it was pleasing to hear so many positive comments from staff about our newest students. Thank you also to those parents who passed on praise to us about what a productive start their son has had at KNSB and how well we have helped them to settle in. As we near the end of this dark and somewhat miserable half term, the buzz of praise last night will keep us all going until the Christmas break! 

Full Stakeholder Review: Mobile Phone Approach

Introduction to the School’s Mobile Phone Review Consultation

We are pleased to invite you to participate in a consultation regarding the use of mobile phones at our school. As part of our ongoing efforts to create an optimal learning environment and ensure the well-being of our school community, we are reviewing our current mobile phone policy. We understand that mobile phones play an important role in students’ lives, but we also recognise the challenges they can present in terms of focus, safety and academic engagement.

The Increase in Mobile Phone Use and the Impact of Social Media

In recent years, the use of mobile phones among secondary school students has increased significantly. While these devices can offer valuable educational tools and opportunities for connection, their use has also raised concerns. For example, mobile phones provide young people with constant access to social media, which can have a profound impact on their emotional and social development.

Social media platforms, while allowing students to connect with their peers, can also lead to negative effects such as increased anxiety, cyberbullying and distractions. The pressure to keep up with social media trends, manage online personas and respond to constant notifications can affect students’ mental health and overall well-being. Moreover, excessive mobile phone use can interfere with sleep patterns, reduce face-to-face social interaction and impact concentration in the classroom.

As a school, we want to balance the benefits of technology with its potential drawbacks. This consultation will explore how we can manage mobile phone use in a way that minimises distractions, supports students’ mental health and enhances their educational experience.

The Consultation Process

We will be holding a full stakeholder review and encourage you to complete our survey to provide feedback.

1. What is the objective?

“This consultation aims to review how mobile phone usage is managed in school to ensure a positive learning environment while considering the views of all stakeholders and the school’s educational goals”

In recent months there has been growing awareness of the harmful effects of smartphones on young people’s mental, physical and academic well-being. New research has received extensive media coverage and recently the Australian Government have begun a campaign to raise the age limit on social media apps to 16.   It is beyond doubt that young people spend a lot of time on their phones, on social media and on gaming.  We want to review the views of all involved to see if the school policies support the best interests of our stakeholders and the learning and well-being of our students.

2. Who are the stakeholders and what are their roles in this consultation?


Provide perspectives on their children’s mobile phone usage, their views on the need for connectivity and their opinions on the desired outcomes.

Teachers and Support Staff: 

Share observations on how mobile phones impact on the classroom, on learning and on social dynamics in school.


Offer feedback and insight into why and how they use phones during the school day, and how their mobile device affects their thoughts and feelings.

School Leadership Team:

To review the feedback and the wider landscape, and ensure any changes align with the Education Act, DfE guidance and the school’s broader educational goals, ensuring effective communication, sharing the overall picture of the feedback and providing clarity of the school’s next steps.

3. How will the Consultation be organised?


We will use a combination of surveys, interviews and focus groups to seek feedback and information.


Estimated ScheduleActivityFormat
October – DecemberReview the need for a consultationParent forum / interviews
December – FebruaryCollect parental viewsSurveys
January – MarchCollect staff viewsSurveys
January – MarchCollect student viewsSurveys
March – AprilFormat feedback and share the views and data collected 
April – MayAnalyse for ease of use, explore issues and potential solutions.Interviews / focus groups
May – JuneFormulate school policy based on the collective views from the consultation, the local and national landscape, any limiting factors (e.g. DfE guidance or law changes) and the school’s broader educational goals 
JuneShare proposed policy feedback opportunity for stakeholdersSurveys
JulyCommunicate the final school policy on mobile phones 

To complete the online survey please visit:

Donations – House Competition 

After its massive success last year, we are holding another ‘Donation House Competition’. From Monday 9th December until Friday 13th December, we will be challenging each form group to fill a shoebox with non-perishable items. The goal is to aid those in need by collecting as many essential provisions as we can. All donations will be delivered to our local food bank to help families in our local community.  

This thoughtful competition not only promotes camaraderie among students but also serves as a powerful reminder of the school’s commitment to making a positive difference in the wider community. By encouraging generosity and compassion, it helps to develop a sense of social responsibility among our students.   

A list of suggested donations has been included below. Students will need to bring their items into school between Monday 9th - Friday 13th December. The form in each year group with the most items donated will win the most points for their house. 

Please have a careful look at the list below, as the local food bank will only accept certain items:  

Many thanks in advance for your generosity.  


George C – Head Boy and Armin K – Head Prefect for Charity  

Non-Uniform Day (with a Christmas Twist!) 

To support our chosen charity, Midlands Air Ambulance, we will be holding a non-uniform day on Friday 20th December. Students will be encouraged to donate £1 and wear their own clothes, ideally with a Christmas theme, to get everyone in the spirit of the season. 

Early Close 20th December – Advance Notice 

School will close early to all students on Friday 20th December. Students will be dismissed at 12.30 and will need to leave the school site immediately. 

Year 10 Work Experience Deadline 

The deadline for Work Experience forms to be returned to Mr Clifton is Friday 13th December. It is important that these forms are returned promptly as the employment health and safety checking process is a time consuming one and without this being completed, students cannot attend placements. This deadline will allow time for this to be completed and afford the best chance of your son’s placement being allowed. 

Spotlight on Safeguarding 

Click below to read our latest ‘Spotlight on Safeguarding’ newsletter, which this month features information about staying safe on Teen Accounts and when gaming online. 

Math Progression Programme Parent Launch Event 5.30pm Thursday 12th December 

Parents of the students that have been selected to take part in the Maths Progression Programme (MPP) have been invited to attend a launch event on Thursday 12th December in the main hall at 5.30-6.30pm. If your son is involved in the programme, you will have received a letter via email and post regarding this. 

Dates for your diary 

Thursday 12th December Years 7-11 Maths Progression Programme Launch event 

Thursday 19th December Year 11 Parents’ Evening 

Friday 20th December – school closes for Christmas break 

Tuesday 7th January (please note INSET day below) – school reopens to all students 

Please note this will now be a late start for students; all students need to be in their period 2 lessons at 9.50. 

INSET Days Advance Notice – school will be closed to all students on these days 

Monday 6th January 2025 

Wednesday 5th February 2025 

Monday 28th April 2025 

Friday 29th November 2024

Good News Story

Year 6 students from West Heath Primary School visited KNSB on Tuesday this week to take part in science, music and Spanish lessons, as part of our renewed Primary Outreach programme. They were looked after by some of our Year 10 Student Leaders, and Diego, Sam, Tom and Will did a superb job. We are excited to welcome their second class of Year 6 students into school in January, and for other Outreach projects that will be taking place in the new year.

Milestone Report for Years 7-10

Families should be in a receipt of an email communication sharing our report processes for the year.  The first Milestone report will follow for Years 7-10.  Please check your email and drop us a message at if you have not received this communication (please check your spam and junk folders first). 

A copy of the letter can also be found here.

Year 7 Parents Evening

The Year 7 Parents’ Evening will take place in the Sports Hall on Thursday 5th December. You will need to book times to meet with your son’s teachers, and this will be done via an online platform called School Cloud; log in details have now been sent to you via email to allow you to make bookings. If you have not received this, please let us know via

Year 11 Parents Evening Advance Notice

The Year 11 Parents’ Evening will take place in the Sports Hall on Thursday 19th December, following you receiving your son’s PPE results and his report. Ahead of the Parents’ Evening, you will need to book times to meet with your son’s teachers, and this will be done via an online platform called School Cloud; log in details will be sent to you nearer the time to allow you to make bookings, but please make a note of this important date on your calendar.

Period 6

Year 11 Parents are notified individually about the sessions that their son should be attending. Please ensure that you look out for and check this communication so that your son does not miss out on these vital learning opportunities.

Natural High Presentation for Year 7 Students

On Tuesday we were delighted to welcome back to school David Graham who presents the Natural High workshop. David developed the Natural High Schools’ Programme based around his self-penned song ‘Natural High’, which is a highly inspirational, and this is a self-motivational way to encourage young people to reject all forms of anti-social behaviour. David explained to our Year 7 students that they can gain a ‘Natural High’ from using their own talents, whether that be in the form of music, sports or academic achievement. The Natural High workshop used music and competitions to get across this point, making it a fun way to learn about a very serious message.


This week some of our students attended another Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) event at KE Five Ways. Here is an account of the event from Ovie in Year 9, one of the students involved:

On the 28th of November, five representatives of the Student Leadership Equality Diversity and Inclusion team, travelled to King Edwards Five Ways to discuss all things EDII with other representatives from thirteen other King Edwards’ schools. During discussions, the team were able to share information about the plans for growing EDI understanding across the school communities, and to discuss the challenges which we face. We also addressed common concerns and ways we can better optimise our performance and EDI representation within both our schools and wider communities.

Our representatives actively contributed some outstanding ideas and confidently gave feedback to an audience of over eighty other student representatives, demonstrating true leadership skills. On returning to school, we will begin to action the areas that we discussed, helping us to further develop our school ethos, where everyone feels seen and where differences are celebrated.

Christmas Reward Dance Years 10 and 11

We are excited to announce that we will be having a school dance (joint with KNGS) on Wednesday 18th of December. This will be for Years 10 and 11 combined. The times for the dance will be 6-8 pm and it will be held at KNSB, in the main hall. We will again have DJ Phil, and a FREE photo booth. Students will also be able to purchase treats and drinks on the evening.

As the dance is part of our ongoing rewards programme, the criteria to attend will be to meet our whole school attendance of 96%, plus not losing any more than 10 SDFL points (after the 24th of September). 

Further information about how and when to book a place for your son will be provided closer to the time. Please encourage your son to keep striving towards being eligible to attend. Thank you for your continued support. 

Mobile Phones Consultation – Advance Notice

Next week, we will be opening our consultation about mobile phones, and inviting feedback on the school’s current policy and practice.  This is a difficult topic as there are no easy answers and no one approach has all the solutions – there are strengths and weaknesses to them all. We will be interested in hearing your views and will be opening an online survey to help collect and collate these.  The survey will be shared via email and in next week’s Friday communication. We wanted to give you advance notice so that you can discuss your thoughts at home prior to making your consultation response.

Math Progression Programme

We are delighted to have been selected to take part in the Maths Progression Programme (MPP), which is a new, five-year programme that is specifically aimed at students for whom we are currently, or have previously been, in receipt of Pupil Premium funding. Students taking part in this are some of those that have a natural ability in maths and that we believe have are able to develop to a very high level and perhaps even go on to study maths-related subject at further and higher education. Parents of the students that will be involved in this project will be invited to attend a MPP launch event on Thursday 12th December, and there will be a letter coming out to you next week.

Sparx Reader

Year 7 and 8 students have now clocked up over 1200 hours of reading between them on Sparx Reader!   Topping the leader boards currently are Sebastian N for year 7 and Hadley O’C for Year 8.  Well done, boys!  Parents, a tip for if your son struggles to reach the needed SRP: get them to slow down – accuracy is more important than speed.  If you have any issues, please contact us via

Literacy and Numeracy Word of the Week

Every week students get a literacy and numeracy Word of the Week.  These are displayed in form time and around school.  Parents can support this by asking their sons what the word means, using it in conversation and getting them to spot anywhere it is used, such as on TV or in a book.

Literacy Word of the Week: ‘cooperate’

Numeracy Word of the Week: ‘parallel’

KS3 Reading Books 

All boys in Years 7, 8 and 9 should have a reading book available every day in school.  These can be books from home or the school library.  For the next two weeks, Form Tutors will check this daily and award commendations to those who have their books with them.  Extra commendations will be available for those who create reading leaves for the library tree.  Details will be given to students on Monday. 

MFL Duolingo Competition

Lots of students have already let us know that they are using Duolingo, and we are excited about the languages they are learning and their amazing ‘streaks’. Those who maintain their streak until Friday 13th December can win commendations, points for their House and sweet treats.

Dates for your diary

Thursday 5th December Year 7 Parents’ Evening

Thursday 12th December Years 7-11 Maths Progression Programme Launch event

Thursday 19th December Year 11 Parents’ Evening

Friday 20th December – school closes for Christmas break

Tuesday 7th January (please note INSET day below) – school reopens to all students

INSET Days Advance Notice – school will be closed to all students on these days

Monday 6th January 2025

Wednesday 5th February 2025

Monday 28th April 2025

Friday 22nd November 2024

Good News Story

We can now share the wonderful news that we have been awarded the GOLD Mark from the Learning Outside the Classroom Council (LOtC). This makes us the ONLY school in Birmingham to have been awarded this accolade and only the second school in the whole of the West Midlands.

Congratulations to Mr Julian and the huge team of staff and volunteers who contribute to our Outdoor Education and our Outdoor Adventure programmes. We will share more information over the next half term, but we wanted you to be the first to know this wonderful news.

Careers Fair

We have once again welcomed a range of employers and post-16 providers into school to participate in another hugely successful Careers Fair for our students in Years 9-11. Representatives from DHL, the NHS, Fire Service, Police Force, to name a few, were on hand to discuss careers in their fields, and staff and students from Halesowen, Cadbury and South and City Colleges, and from King Edwards Five Ways and Camp Hill, and others, were informing students about their sixth form provision and the courses they offer. Our boys were engaged in discussions and watching videos, all to get them thinking about their future plans after KNSB. Massive thanks go to Mr Clifton for his hard work in organising this great opportunity for our boys.

Year 7 Parents Evening

The Year 7 Parents’ Evening will take place in the Sports Hall on Thursday 5th December. You will need to book times to meet with your son’s teachers, and this will be done via an online platform called School Cloud; log in details will be sent to you next week to allow you to make bookings.

MFL Duolingo Competition

We all love learning languages here at KNSB, and we’ve noticed that a lot of students are using the free app, Duolingo. Any student using Duolingo should let Mrs Grindrod know what language they’re learning and what streak they’re on (don’t worry if they’re starting back at Day 1) to be entered into the competition. Winners who maintain their streak until Friday 13th December can win commendations, points for their House and sweet treats.

Bonne chance! ¡Buena suerte!

Madame Grindrod

Sparx Reader

Year 7 and 8 have now clocked up over 1000 hours of reading between them on Sparx Reader.   Topping the leader boards currently are Arthur C for Year 7 and Mahmoud A for Year 8.  Well done, boys!  Parents, a tip for if your son struggles to remember to complete this – build it into a routine, for example, straight after dinner on a set day or before they get computer time.  Some students have reminders set in their phones for when they plan to complete this homework.  Any issues please contact Ms Blythe via the enquiries email.

This Week’s Literacy and Numeracy Words of the Week

  • The literacy Word of the Week will be ‘convince’.  
  • The numeracy Word of the Week will be ‘perpendicular’.

Parents can support their son in acquiring this vocabulary by asking their sons what the words mean, using them in conversation and getting them to spot anywhere it is used, such as on TV or in a book.

Dates for your diary

Thursday 5th December Year 7 Parents’ Evening

Thursday 19th December Year 11 Parents’ Evening

Friday 20th December – school closes for Christmas break

Tuesday 7th January (please note INSET day below) – school reopens to all students

INSET Days Advance Notice – school will be closed to all students on these days

Monday 6th January 2025

Wednesday 5th February 2025

Monday 28th April 2025

Friday 15th November 2024

Remembrance at KNSB

Ahead of our annual Remembrance Day events, we raised £132.31 selling poppies to the students at KNSB. Lewis M, Zachary M, Diego D and Mason H, went to each classroom, where our students were more than happy to purchase Remembrance poppies and wristbands. 

When asked what they most enjoyed about our Remembrance tributes, the comments from the boys involved included the following: ‘We were very proud to be able to receive donations from the KNSB community on behalf of the Royal British Legion. We are proud to know that all the donations are going to a good cause,’ and ‘We feel it is important to celebrate the memory of the fallen soldiers and armed force community.’

Year 11 Kings Norton Girls’ School Sixth Form Event 

Year 11 students interested in attending Kings Norton Girl’s School Sixth Form next year can attend the ‘Meet the Sixth Form’ event on Tuesday 19th November from 4.00pm – 5.30pm. This offers them a chance to talk to the current sixth formers and teachers directly about each of the A-Level subjects on offer and get a better idea of what their post-16 provision is like. Booking is not required for this event. 

9-Week Data First Block Update

Our first 9-week monitoring period finished on Friday 8th November, and we are once again thrilled to celebrate such large groups of our student body. We are, therefore, delighted to share with our wider school community some of the headlines: 

  • In the last 9 weeks over 177,000 commendations have been awarded across all year groups, with the average commendations per student being 196. This is the highest number of commendations awarded in any 9-week block to date. 554 students have achieved more than 150 commendations in this 9-week block – an increase of 177 students when compared against the same period last year!
  • Those students that met school expectations in regard to attendance (97%+) is 60% of the school (10% higher than at this stage last year), with 30% of the school achieving a 100% attendance record in this time period. 
  • 824 students (99.6%) achieved Merits in this 9-week block. 632 students achieved 150+ Merits – this is 76% of the school population. We hope they enjoy their sweet treat next week. 
  • 134 students achieved the maximum number of Merits in this 9-week block (0 SDfL points loss, 100% attendance and 150+ commendations). This is an increase of 36 students when compared against the same period last year. 403 students didn’t lose a single point in block 1 – a huge congratulations to these students who hold themselves to the very highest standards. 

On Thursday 3rd and Friday 4th October, over 500 students across the school set out on their reward trip based on the number of Merits they had achieved last year. We hope that Year 8 (West Midlands Safari Park), Year 9 and 10 (Drayton Manor) and Year 11 (Alton Towers) students had an amazing time. Congratulations to you all. 

We will continue to remind students that all their hard work across the year, culminating in the collection of Merits, will contribute towards the end of year reward trip. Sweet treats, certificates in school and celebrations within forms will have already been taking place this week. Please also find below a reminder of how our students qualify for rewards in each 9-week block.

Perhaps most encouraging of all, is our recognition of all of those wonderful students that we have that simply do the right thing each and every day. Indeed, 62% of the school population demonstrated outstanding behaviour in the last 9-week block! It really is a testament to their commitment and the value they hold for their place at King Edward VI King’s Norton School for Boys. And further still, 72% of the entire school has lost less than 5 points. A huge thank you to the students and staff for this excellent achievement. 

We would like to remind students that as well as gaining Merits for their end of year rewards trip, they are all seeking to be in with a chance of winning some amazing prizes at the end of the year. We are working closely with our Student Council to select this year’s prizes but some of those achieved last year were:

  • Mountain bike (available to Year 7 and Year 8 students only) – confirmed for 2024-25
  • Mountain bike (available to Year 9 and Year 10 students only) – confirmed for 2024-25
  • Apple Smartwatch
  • Apple air pods.

We are so excited about making these rewards available to students, and we remain committed to rewarding those students that do the right thing, day in and day out. The competition end date for these amazing prizes is Friday 12th July. 

Dr McIntosh (Assistant Headteacher KS3 Lead) Mr Hanson (Assistant Headteacher KS4 Lead)

Time for a Lottery Super Draw!

Have you seen our new School Lottery fundraising initiative which will give families a chance to win prizes and will also support fundraising to help improve our facilities?

This month’s Super Draw is a PS5 gaming bundle!

Tickets cost just £1, and each ticket bought will contribute towards boosting the school environment for our students.  All money earnt this year will be used to bolster the impact of our Student Leadership projects or help us to continue to develop our extracurricular offer for students.  The Student Leadership budget is used to fund School Council initiatives and help translate the students’ ideas into reality.  The extra-curricular budget helps to improve facilities for clubs and activities that the students enjoy and helps support learning outside the classroom opportunities for students. You really can help us make a difference for our students; the lottery is a great way to help our quest to have the best facilities possible for our boys – every ticket will make a difference.

For more information and to purchase your tickets, please click on the link HERE 

Sparx Reader

Year 7 and 8 have now clocked up an amazing 909 hours of reading between them on Sparx Reader.  This equates to 373 books so far.  Topping the leader board currently are Henry C for Year 7 (who absolutely smashed it!) and Jude W for Year 8.  Well done, boys! Parents, if IT access to complete Sparx at home is an issue, please remind your sons that the library is available at lunch and after school homework club.  Any issues please contact Ms Blythe via

Next Week’s Literacy and Numeracy Words of the Week

  • The literacy Word of the Week will be ‘convert’.  
  • The numeracy Word of the Week will be ‘cone’. 

Parents can support their son in acquiring this vocabulary by asking their sons what the words mean, using them in conversation and getting them to spot anywhere it is used, such as on TV or in a book.

Dates for your diary

Monday 25th November – Whole School Flu Vaccinations

Thursday 5th December Year 7 Parents’ Evening

Thursday 19th December Year 11 Parents’ Evening

Friday 20th December – school closes for Christmas break

Tuesday 7th January (please note INSET day below) – school reopens to all students

INSET Days Advance Notice – school will be closed to all students on these days

Monday 6th January 2025

Wednesday 5th February 2025

Monday 28th April 2025

Friday 08th November 2024

 Good News Stories 

KNSB Alumni ‘On the Telly’

An ex-student of KNSB, Jordan, was on Masterchef – The Professionals, which was aired on BBC this week, at the age of only 21.

After studying to become a chef at college, Jordan went on to work at The Ritz, in London, and is currently at Simpsons restaurant in Birmingham. He was successful on the show and is now through to the quarter finals. Here he is back in 2019 with his Food Technology exam submission menu. What a difference a few years can make…Good luck, Jordan!


We would like to thank all the parents and carers who attended our Parent Forum before half term. We appreciate the time you gave to provide your invaluable feedback. Following on from the topics raised and discussed, we would like to share the aims and ethos of our rewards incentives with all families, as promised.

The ultimate goal of our rewards programme is to provide transparency, provide fairness and promote consistency. We are always open to different ideas; we work closely with the Student Council to ensure that students are rewarded for things that they have suggested.  Our Pastoral and SEND teams work extremely closely with one another to ensure that opportunities of rewards exist for all. 

We look forward to sharing some of the key outcomes from our latest 9-week data with you shortly.

Click here to see the promotional video that has been shared with students – it will give you more of a flavour of our rewards ethos:

Behaviour Policy and Parental communications

Last week, we shared the updated Behaviour Policy with families prior to our students returning from half term. If you have not seen this, please click here for a record of the important emailed message sent last week.

Thank you to all those parents who have shared positive messages and support to staff for the great job they do.  We have also seen an increase in communications reaching us in a productive way and via the proper channels – thank you everyone.

Anti-Bullying Week

Next week is Anti-Bullying Week, which is a focus of this month’s Enlightened Parents newsletter, which can be accessed here.  We will be exploring this theme in school during the month of November, and in recognition and support of this important topic, we will be encouraging staff and students to wear odd socks on Tuesday 12th November, for Odd Socks Day, and there will be assemblies from our Mentoring Team across the month of November.

National Campaign Against Knife Crime

11th – 17th November is the period for the National Campaign Against Knife Crime, which is taking place across the UK. West Midlands Police will be working across teams to help keep the public safe and raise awareness around serious youth violence. They have a number of events planned across schools in the West Midlands, and students at KNSB will be looking, in form time, at some of the impact of Knife Crime. 

We want to share the resources with you so that conversations can take place at home around this sensitive but very serious issue. West Midlands Police has selected some resources from their #Lifeorknife series from the West Midlands Police website, with videos being shared across all of their schools. We are keen to show our support for this campaign and, therefore, some or all of the following videos will be shared with students next week:

James Brindley’s parents message to you about the impact of knives – YouTube

Convicted murderer Sadam Essakhil speaks on life-ruining consequences of carrying a knife (

#LifeorKnife – Let Me Tell You About Ronan (

#LifeOrKnife – The consequences are real (

#LifeOrKnife – How to report someone carrying (

#LifeOrKnife – Why I stopped carrying (

#LifeOrKnife – You are the company you keep (

#LifeOrKnife – How to ditch the knife (

What we are sure of is that this work next week may prompt questions from students which they may bring home to you. It is important that we all feel comfortable in having these challenging conversations so that we can support our young people in feeling safe in the local community. Therefore, we have attached here a short video for parents about how you might approach a conversation with your son about Knife Crime.

We have also been asked to share the following letter here from the Chief Superintendent at West Midlands Police to offer further support to young people and their families. 

For further context, King Edward VI King’s Norton School for Boys School has a positive and collaborative relationship with the Police. We have two local police officers, PC Darren Neville and PC Karina Jordan, who visit our school on a weekly basis. This is always a supportive visit, offering to help the school and its young people in any way they can. We want our Police Officers to be a visible presence to students so that we can normalise contact and interactions with the Police. PCs Neville and Jordan have agreed to support us with our Careers Fair on Thursday 21st November, which will give them the opportunity to meet with all our students in Years 9 – 11. They have also offered us future support with further initiatives, such as delivering assemblies, greeting students as they come to school, community awareness, road safety, knife arches and community perimeter checks. We will communicate in good time if we intend on taking them up on any these offers. 

Sparx Reader

Year 7 and 8 boys have now clocked up an amazing 750 hours of reading between them on Sparx Reader – this equates to 307 books so far.  Topping the leader boards currently are Rey B for Year 7 and Toby G for Year 8.  Well done, boys!  Parents, you are able to check your son’s progress at any time through the parent portal.  If you are unsure how this works, please contact Ms Blythe via

Literacy and Numeracy Words of the Week

Every week students get a literacy and numeracy ‘Word of the Week’.  These are introduced and displayed in form time and around school.  The literacy word of the week for week commencing 11th November is ‘converse’.  Parents can support their son in acquiring this vocabulary by asking their sons what the word means, using it in conversation and getting them to spot anywhere it is used, such as on TV or in a book.

School Lottery

We are really excited about our School Lottery fundraising initiative which will give families a chance to win prizes and will also support fundraising to help improve our facilities. Tickets cost just £1, and each ticket bought will go towards improving the school environment for our students.   All money earnt this year will be used to boost the impact of our Student Leadership projects or help us to continue to develop our extracurricular offer for students.  The Student Leadership budget is used to fund School Council initiatives and help translate the students’ ideas into reality.  The extra-curricular budget helps to improve facilities for clubs and activities that the students enjoy and helps support learning outside the classroom opportunities for students. Previously, through our 50:50 club, families helped us raise funds to purchase new sports equipment for breaks and lunches, new nets for goals, student toilet upgrades, benching area improvements and much more. 

You really can help us make a difference for our students.  Our lottery opportunity is a great way to help us in our quest to have the best facilities possible for our boys, and every ticket will make a difference.

With a draw every Saturday there are guaranteed weekly cash prizes; the more families and alumni who get involved, the bigger the cash prize.  There are even chances to win the central jackpot of £25,000!

For more information and to purchase your tickets, please click on the link HERE 

Dates for your diary

Thursday 5th December Year 7 Parents’ Evening

Thursday 19th December Year 11 Parents’ Evening

Friday 20th December – school closes for Christmas break

Tuesday 7th January (please note INSET day below) – school reopens to all students

INSET Days Advance Notice – school will be closed to all students on these days

Monday 6th January 2025

Wednesday 5th February 2025

Monday 28th April 2025

Friday 25th October 2024

 Good News Stories 

Black History Month Challenge 

Congratulations to the following students who took part in the Year 11 Black History Month Challenge and produced fantastic presentations and posters about their chosen black pioneer: 

  • Samuel C 11R 
  • Hadi K 11L 
  • Ayaan V 11A 
  • Mohammed M 11V 
  • Ibrahim A 11V 
  • Paris F 11C 
  • Harvey B11V 

A particular well done goes to Samuel C and Ibrahim A who have also won Amazon gift vouchers because their presentations were particularly excellent.  

Revision Challenges 

For the past two weeks, Year 11 students have taken part in two revision challenges to encourage and reward their efforts in revising for their upcoming PPEs. The winners of these challenges were praised during assembly on Friday afternoon. 

  • Congratulations to Christopher M 11T, Archie Gray 11A and Harvey H 11L. They won the two-week Revision Challenge and have been rewarded with a sweet treat and a praise card.  
  • Congratulations to the following five students who won the GCSE Pod Challenge and were rewarded with a sweet treat and an Amazon gift voucher: Dylan P 11T, Seth N 11C, James C 11T, Haaziq R 11R, Oliver W 11L. 

All the boys that took part in these challenges have giving themselves the best possible chance of doing well in their PPEs so a massive well done to them all. 

Year 11 

It has been a pleasure to see Year 11 students approach this half term with focus and maturity as they all prepare for their upcoming PPEs which will be taking place between Monday 4th November and Friday 22nd November, with the first exam being the English Language Paper 1 on Monday morning that all students will be sitting. 

To ensure your son is ready for after half term, please ensure has the following essential equipment: two black pens, scientific calculator, pencil, ruler (30cm preferable), rubber and protractor. The following equipment is desirable: pencil sharpener, compass, highlighter, clear and see though pencil case. We would also recommend that students also have a water bottle which must be see-through and have no labels on it. 

Period 6 

Period 6 sessions for Year 11 students will not be compulsory during the first two weeks of PPEs. Nevertheless, staff will be available during their usual period 6 slots for students to go and see if they require help and advice. Period 6 sessions will resume following this two-week period – parents and students will be notified about the compulsory sessions they need to attend. 

New Lunch Menus 

Our lunch menus will be changing after half term. If you are excited to see what might be on them, click here to find out!

Reading Books Years 7-9 Reminder 

Please can you ensure that if your son is in Year 7, 8 or 9, he has a reading book in his bag upon his return following the break. Form tutors will be checking this in the first week. 

Sparx Reader 

A massive well done to Logan C (Year 7) and Elisha C (Year 8) for topping the Sparx Reader Leader boards last week. Students have already read an amazing 589 hours of Sparx Reader so far this year, with a whopping total of 243 books having been read. Let’s keep it going! 

Parent Tip: if you want to find out more about Sparx Reader please follow this link: Sparx Reader - A parent’s guide to Sparx Reader .  Ms Blythe is also available for any questions or support as needed and can be contacted via

Elevate Education 

This week saw our year 11 cohort work with Elevate Education again prior to their Pre-Public Examinations. Elevate Education have worked with our students a number of times now focussing on preparing in the best way possible for their exams. As part of the Elevate Education experience, they also offer free parent webinars. A number of our parents took up a place to engage in this free opportunity last year. You can find a link to the webinars coming up this year with the next webinar available on November 19th. This opportunity is available to all parents and not just those with children in year 11.

Parent Webinar Timetable – Elevate Education

Dates for your diary 

Monday 28th October – Friday 1st November: Half Term 

Monday 4th November: Return to school for all students 

Monday 4th November: Year 11 PPEs begin 

INSET Days Advance Notice – school will be closed to all students on these days 

Monday 6th January 2025 

Wednesday 5th February 2025 

Monday 28th April 2025 

Friday 18th October 2024

Good News Story

Sparx Reader Updatecongratulations to Kashif E in Year 7 and Hayden T in Year 8 for gaining the most Sparx Reader Points on Sparx Reader in their year groups this week.  Well done boys – that is an amazing amount of reading that will help you to access learning across the curriculum!

Tip for parents: if your son is struggling with Sparx Reader there are several settings that can be changed, such as background colour, spacing and font size.  Please help them to access this via the online platform.  If you have any other queries Ms Blythe is happy to help.

Reading Books Years 7-9

Developing all our students’ reading skills is a key priority for us at KNSB, and we expect that every student in Years 7, 8 and 9 will have a reading book with them at all times in school. This can be a book from home or one that they have borrowed from the school library. Books can be fiction or non-fiction, including graphic novels, which many of our students love. Please have a chat with your son over the next few days and see if there is a book at home that he wants to read and pop it in his school bag ready for next week or after half term.

Year 10 Parent Information Evening

Last night we saw the parents of over 90 of our Year 10 students in attendance at the Year 10 Parent Information Event. The aim of the event was to share information about what being in Year 10 is like and discuss how we can work together to support our boys during their GCSE studies. If you were unable to attend the event, to can access the information here.

West Midlands Police Keeping Safe Notice

It is that time of year once more when the nights start drawing in and our thoughts turn to keeping all our boys safe. Please click here for an important notice from West Midlands Police.

School Lottery

We were excited a few weeks ago when we launched our new School Lottery fundraising initiative which gives families a chance to win prizes and will also support fundraising to help improve our facilities. 

Tickets cost just £1, and each ticket bought will boost the school environment for our students.   All money earnt this year will be either be added to the student leadership budget or the extracurricular budget.  The student leadership budget is used to fund school council initiative and make the students ideas and plans become reality.  The Extra-curricular budget is spent on facilities for clubs and activities that the students enjoy. 

Through the old fundraising 50:50 club, families helped us raise funds to purchase new sports equipment for breaks and lunches, new nets for goals, student toilet upgrades, benching area improvements and more. You really can help us make a difference for our students.  Our new lottery opportunity is a great way to help our quest to have the best facilities possible for our boys, every ticket will make a difference.

With a draw every Saturday there are guaranteed weekly cash prizes, the more families and alumni who get involved, the bigger the cash prize.  There are even chances to win the central jackpot of £25,000!

For more information and to purchase your tickets, please click on the link here.

Dates for your diary

Monday 28th October – Friday 1st November: Half Term

Monday 4th November: Return to school for all students

Monday 4th November: Year 11 PPEs begin

INSET Days Advance Notice – school will be closed to all students on these days

Monday 6th January 2025

Wednesday 5th February 2025

Monday 28th April 2025

Friday 11th October 2024

Good News Story

Year 7 students, Rory and Quinn, completed an independent research project on the first moon landing. They have both produced fantastic pieces of work. Well done boys – in completing this you really demonstrated the resilience and endeavour skills required of a King’s Norton boy.

And another Year 7 student, Ryan, created an amazing piece of homework in recognition of Black History – we think you will agree that he had done a fantastic job!

Black History is Our History

1st October has brought about the arrival of Black History Month at KNSB, where we are embracing the fact that Black history is OUR history. Students have been developing their understanding of the range of contributions that black people have made to Britain, and society as a whole.  The canteen has also been offering a range of tasty delights including rice and peas, jollof rice and jerk chicken, with more variety of food from the African diaspora appearing over the next few weeks.

Boys wishing to get involved can take part in this event below, as well as in lessons:

Year 8 Mental Health Presentation

This week, Year 8 students were visited by Joel Foster who works for The Prime Agency; he told his story of his mental health struggles as a teenager and how he worked through them using a mixture of self-composed songs and speech. Year 8 students discussed the importance of telling someone whenever we feel like we are struggling and impressed Joel greatly with their knowledge on this topic. 

Spotlight on Safeguarding

Our new Spotlight on Safeguarding newsletter is now available for parents. Please click here to access this.

Maths Progression Programme

The maths department is working alongside MEI (Mathematics Education Innovation) to prepare more of our students achieve higher grades at GCSE Mathematics and then progress to A-level mathematics and beyond. 

This initiative, called the Maths Progression Programme (MPP), is being evaluated by the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER). The aim of the evaluation is to improve understanding of the activities that support student attainment and progress in maths. The findings from this evaluation will help inform the design and delivery of this programme, and other similar national programmes, which will be beneficial for students in terms of their maths achievement and progression.

The data of students that the NFER will be using for their evaluation may include your son in their fully anonymised reports.  You can read more about this here. If you DO NOT want your son’s data to be used, then you must opt out of the data collection.  Opting out of the data collection will not prevent your son from being a part of any of the work in lessons, intervention groups or additional mathematical enrichment activities.

Year 11 Pre-Public Exams

Please find a link to the PPE timetable here. You were previously issued with a draft version. This has no changes from the draft version, but we wanted to confirm with you and students the timetable for revision and planning purposes. 

Here is a reminder of some of the exam expectations for students:

  • Students are not permitted any electronics in the exam, including wrist watches
  • Students should arrive to school no later than 8.30am each day
  • Students should always be in full school uniform
  • Students should bring with them their full equipment including two black pens, pencil, rubber, sharpener, ruler, highlighter, protractor and scientific calculator, which must all be held in a transparent pencil case
  • Students are permitted to have a drink in the exams, but this must be in a transparent bottle, containing no markings and must only be water

Period 6

Year 11 Parents should have now received email confirmation of the Period 6 timetable for the week commencing 14th October and 21st October, which includes details of which sessions your son is expected to attend over the next two weeks. Attendance at their allocated sessions is compulsory so if there is any reason why your son cannot attend, please let us know in advance.

Early Help Support for Families

We wanted to share this newsletter with you in case it is helpful to you or someone that you know. Please click here to read this.


We would just like to give a reminder to you about the Attendance Studybugs App. Studybugs is a safe way to report when your child is sick and off school. Here are some of the reasons to download the App:

It saves you time as it takes seconds to give the school all the information they need, and you will know they’ve got the message, even if you’re reporting at 6am or 11pm the night before.

Helps safeguard your child by automating school’s processing of sick reports, so if any children are unaccounted for, they’ll know right away. It also verifies that reports of your child’s absence have really come from you.

It guides you with official guidance from the UK Health Security Agency (formerly Public Health England) on the need to stay off school, based on the symptoms or illnesses you enter. Note: Studybugs does not provide medical advice or diagnosis — please consult your GP for this.

It is confidential and secure. Your personal data is kept strictly confidential between you and your child’s school. We never share your personal data with third parties. Your child’s school cannot see your location. All shared illness data is first anonymised, so your personal data is always kept confidential. You can also opt out of having your anonymised data shared. Studybugs is hosted from purpose-built secure facilities and all communications with our apps and website are encrypted.

It contributes to public health by collecting anonymised data on illnesses going around, to help schools, parents and public health organisations take preventative action as early as possible.

Here is the link to join:

Dates for your diary

Tuesday 15th October – Thursday 17th October: Year 10/11 Berlin trip

Thursday 17th October:  Year 10 Parent Information Evening

Monday 28th October – Friday 1st November: Half Term

Monday 4th November: Return to school for all students

Monday 4th November: Year 11 PPEs begin

INSET Days Advance Notice – school will be closed to all students on these days

Monday 6th January 2025

Wednesday 5th February 2025

Monday 28th April 2025

Friday 04th October 2024

How lovely…

…to hear students filling the hall with music after school while making good use of our grand piano!

Early School Closure Thursday 10th October for Open Evening

As previously mentioned, school will close early for students on 10th October to allow for preparations for our Open Evening. All students will be released from school at 1.30. All students will have had the opportunity to have lunch before they leave. Please speak to your son about arrangements for the afternoon and, particularly for younger students, ensure that they know how they are getting home. School will be open at the usual time of 8.30 on Friday 11th.

Barcelona 2024

Last week, 43 Year 11 students attended a short residential in the Costa Brava, northern Spain.  It was a joint venture between the Spanish and Art departments, the aim of which was to provide all students with opportunities to further their studies, whilst experiencing the delights of another culture. The four-day visit was packed with exciting activities, including visiting Gaudi’s Parc Guell and the Sagrada Familia cathedral in Barcelona, an excursion to the Dali Museum in Figueras and an evening trip to the beach, to name but a few. The group had an “amazing time”, and although very tired, they have shared some fantastic memories together. From the teachers’ point of view, we were all immensely proud of the way the boys conducted themselves in public, and the feedback we have since received about how they were perceived by staff at the various places we stayed and visited, wholly supports that.  Seeing them drawing in their art pads or hearing them use their Spanish to support each other has been really heart-warming – now we are just itching to start planning the next one!

Mrs Fox

Year 8 Residential Trip

A week or so ago, 126 students from Year 8 attended our KS3 residential to PGL’s Newby Wiske Hall Adventure Centre in North Yorkshire. For many of these students it was the first time they had been away from home, and we are so proud of every single student and all their achievements! Highlights have included a thrilling session on the purpose-built aqua park, paddling around on stand-up paddle boards, zip lining of tall structures, swinging on giant swings, leaping off tall poles onto trapezes, learning new survival skills and many more… Experiences like these help students develop their STRIVE values, and we are certain that they will have made memories that will last a lifetime.

Check out two of the many diary entries written by Year 8 students from the residential 

The Eagle – Enrichment Week Special Edition

While the summer term and sunshine seem like a million miles away to us all now, our Enrichment Week Special Edition of our online magazine, The Eagle, will remind you of the fun that was had by all in the last week of term. Click here to see the wealth of enrichment week activities that our boys had the chance to get involved with, as well as pictures from Charity Day, when we raised over £3000 for Birmingham Children’s Hospital. It makes us all really proud to be a part of the KNSB community.

Year 11 Pre-Public Exams

To aid Year 11 students with their revision for the upcoming November PPEs, which will take place from Monday 4th November to Friday 22nd November, two booklets have been uploaded onto Satchel One for all students to access:

  • November PPE Core Subject Booklet: this includes a list of topics, guidance and websites provided by teachers to support students’ revision of their core subjects
  • November PPE Options Subjects Booklet: this includes a list of topics, guidance and websites to further aid students’ independent revision of their option subjects.

As part of the ongoing revision during am registration, students have been provided with revision timetables they have been filling inand have been supported in how to plan and organise their revision leading up to the November PPEs. An electronic Copy of the Revision Timetable is available on Satchel One for students to use, along with the instructions on how to fill this in. Students will be provided with additional paper copies of a revision timetable by their form tutors. All of these documents are available here:

Geography Revision Guides

We are currently ordering GCSE Geography revision guides (RRP £7.50) published by CGP for the Edexcel B exam course that we follow, and strongly recommend that all Year 10 geography students purchase one, as it will help their understanding of key ideas and provide opportunities to practise exam techniques. As the geography department is purchasing a significant number, there will be a discount and the cost of the revision guide is just £5.00. Please make a payment via ParentPay if you would like to take up this offer. If your child is entitled to free school meals a revision guide will be provided free of charge.

Mobile Phones Policy Review

As part of the forthcoming review, we thought it would be sensible to share the King’s Norton Boys phone expectations with families.  We will be reminding the boys of these on Monday and Tuesday in form time, so it would be helpful if you talked through them over the weekend.

Reading Books Years 7-9

Developing all our students’ reading skills is a key priority for us at KNSB, and we expect that every student in Years 7, 8 and 9 will have a reading book with them at all times in school. This can be a book from home or one that they have borrowed from the school library. Books can be fiction or non-fiction, including graphic novels, which many of our students love. Please have a chat with your son over the weekend and see if there is a book at home that he wants to read and pop it in his school bag ready for next week.

My Child at School App

If you have not yet registered for the My Child at School app, that allows you to check details about commendations, behaviour points, personal details etc., we will be sending you an email next week with the necessary details to allow you to do this. If you are not in receipt of these details by Friday next week, please get in touch via and we will forward these to you.

Communicating with School Staff

With there being almost 1000 people present in our organisation on any school day, you can imagine that school is a very busy place. To help us with the management of the school, we do have a communications strategy that is designed to aid stakeholder communications with us, and still allow us to continue with the important business of teaching and looking after our 800 plus students.

There have been occasions recently when parents have arrived in reception without prior arrangement and expected to meet with a particular member of staff immediately. This will rarely be possible, as staff have commitments across their working day that mean they will likely be unavailable. We appreciate that this can be frustrating or upsetting when you feel you have an urgent matter that needs attending to, and we want to support you in minimising the chance of this happening. Therefore, please refer to our website ( for guidance on how to best communicate with us and the procedures that we would like you to follow. Adhering to these will hopefully mean we can resolve any issues effectively.


We wrote to you a couple of weeks ago about safety measures that we would like parents to take when dropping off and collecting their sons from school, but the situation has little improved, particularly at the exit closest to the mini roundabout at Selly Oak Road. The road and pavements are particularly narrow here, and the risk to our boys at its greatest.

We are appealing to all parents who park outside or adjacent to school to keep the welfare of our students at the forefront of their mind when making decisions about dropping off or collecting their sons, and we once again ask that you adhere to the polite requests below:

  • please can you park a little further away from school if you are dropping off or collecting your son. There is ample space in adjacent roads to do so, and this will help us to keep the area directly outside the school safe and minimise any risks to our boys
  • avoid parking on the pavement, as this forces students to walk in the road and risk being harmed by passing traffic
  • arrange to meet your son further down the road if you are on foot, to avoid the exits becoming clogged up and again necessitating students walking in the road
  • drive in a safe, sensible manner when driving along or stopping on Northfield Road, including not turning, either in the road or on neighbouring driveways.

We thank you in advance for your support with helping to keep our students safe.

Dates for your diary

Thursday 10th October:  Open Evening – early finish at 1.30 for all students

Tuesday 15th October – Thursday 17th October: Year 10/11 Berlin trip

Thursday 17th October:  Year 10 Parent Information Evening

Monday 28th October – Friday 1st November: Half Term

Monday 4th November: Return to school for all students

Monday 4th November: Year 11 PPEs begin

Friday 27th September 2024

Good News Stories

We start this week’s comms with news that we are delighted to share with you. Connor in Year 10 has been awarded The Cricket Collective Rising Star at the recent Warwickshire CC Foundation Awards.  What a wonderful achievement – well done, Connor, we are really proud of you!

Year 11 Apprenticeships 

Many of our Year 11 students are already starting to think about their next steps once they leave KNSB in summer 2025. If your son is thinking about an apprenticeship, please click here for lots of useful contacts and apprenticeship providers.

Post-16 Open Days

We have shared information about post-16 providers to our Year 11 students in form time. You can find the document here. As mentioned in last week’s Parent Information Evening, this is not an exhaustive list so there may be other suitable post-16 providers out there for your son. He (with your support) should research different providers and keep a close eye out for when their open events take place. We are advising that the boys visit two or three providers to get a good feel for the types of opportunities there are for them.

Year 11 Students Attending Open Events

As part of the process that Year 11 students with undertake as they start to consider their post-16 destination, will, of course, be attending the various open events. If your son is attending any post-16 open events which take place during the school day, please ensure that you contact the school to make our Attendance Officer aware.

Period 6 Sessions

Year 11 Parents should have now received email confirmation of the Period 6 timetable for the week commencing 30th September and 7th October, which includes details of which sessions your son in expected to attend over the next two weeks. Attendance at their allocated sessions is compulsory so if there is any reason why your son cannot attend, please let us know in advance.

Saltmine Performance for Years 10 and 11

On Wednesday 25th September, as part of the Personal Development curriculum, our Year 10 and 11 students were able to watch a performance called ‘Switch Up’ by a company called Saltmine, which West Midlands Police has stated, ‘challenges the audience to consider the consequences of carrying a knife. It is very much recommended for all young people to see.’

The company delivered a powerful anti-knife crime message in our school, delivered in two parts – firstly, through a one-hour thought-provoking drama production that focused on the complex, interrelated issues of knife crime, gang violence and self-identity, and secondly through an interactive workshop which challenged the consequences of knife crime. Within the content, the production exposed the tragic unseen effects of knife crime on an individual, family members and the wider community. Both the play and the follow-on workshop highlighted the role that peer pressure and social context can play in poor choice making, whilst also addressing some common misconceptions. It identified some of the harrowing, long-term, life changing consequences of knife crime in a student-friendly manner that made it fully accessible. 

Year 7 Data Check

Year 7 students will be bringing home their confidential data for parents/carers to check today. Please spend some time checking this information and making any amendments, before sending this back to us via your son’s Form Tutor. The deadline for these to be returned to us is Friday 4th October at the latest.

Dropping off or Collecting Your Son from School

For those of you that collect your son from school, either on foot or by car, you will undoubtedly already be aware that the periods of time at the start and end of the day, when students are arriving at or leaving school, can be somewhat challenging. The sections of Northfield Road closest to the school site are very narrow, and the road also has to accommodate the No 18 bus route, as well as the vehicles of parents who are collecting their sons. Furthermore, the pavements adjacent to the school site are similarly narrow too, and this can prove problematic if students and parents congregate close to the school gates, sometimes meaning that students have to walk in the road to go around them.

We fully appreciate that many of our Year 7 parents will have wanted to accompany their sons to school in the first few weeks, and the recent particularly rainy weather will have led to lots more parents collecting boys by car. However, it is vitally important that we make a collective effort to keep our boys safe upon their arriving at and when leaving school, so we ask that you take some simple steps to support with this:

  • please can you park a little further away from school if you are dropping off or collecting your son. There is ample space in adjacent roads to do so, and this will help us to keep the area directly outside the school safe and minimise any risks to our boys
  • avoid parking on the pavement, as this forces students to walk in the road and risk being harmed by passing traffic
  • arrange to meet your son further down the road if you are on foot, to avoid the exits becoming clogged up and again necessitating students walking in the road
  • drive in a safe, sensible manner when driving along or stopping on Northfield Road, including not turning, either in the road or on neighbouring driveways.

We have been working with the local council and West Midlands Police in recent months to improve road safety conditions and implement traffic calming measures around our school site. If we all support this and take individual steps to collectively improve the situation, we can all help to keep our boys safe.

Early Close for Open Evening 10th October

As previously notified, school will close early on Thursday 10th October to allow for preparation time for our Open Evening. There will be more information next week about the time that your son will be released from school.

Any students that would like to help out at Open Evening should speak to their teachers and collect a consent form that you will need to sign and return in order for them to do so.

Revision Guides Food Preparation and Nutrition

The Food Technology department is currently ordering GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition revision guides (RRP £11.99) published by CGP for the AQA exam course that we follow. We strongly recommend that all students purchase the guide as it will help their understanding of key ideas and provide opportunities to practice exam technique. The cost of the revision guide is just £6.00. Please make a payment via ParentPay if you would like to take up this offer. If your child is entitled to free school meals a revision guide will be provided free of charge.


This week has been Bikeability’s ‘Cycle to School’ week, so please praise your son if he has come to school by bike. However, everyone can support our school’s work on Active Travel by completing the online survey described in the poster attached. This is a fantastic opportunity for students and their parents/carers to use their voice and potentially shape government policy on supporting students’ physical and mental health. Scan the QR code and get started now for a chance to win a £50 Amazon voucher. The survey closes at 5pm on 11th October. click here

Lost Property and Naming Items

We have previously notified you that we have an ever-growing mountain of lost property, including some high-priced items such as trainers and coats. This is now in danger of overtaking the school office and the stage. In the first instance, can you please check that your son has all of his belongings, from PE kit to pencil case. Following this, if everything is present, can you please name as much as you can to help us to avoid our office staff disappearing under the lost property behemoth before the end of term!

Reward Trips

For those students that have been invited on the reward trips, either next Thursday or Friday, you should have received a text message today indicating the finer details of each trip. If you did not receive the text or require any further information, please email citing ‘reward trips’ in the title and you will be contacted.

Physical Education School Sports Guidelines Reminder

Last week, we shared our School Sports Guidelines document, which outlines, amongst other things, our policy relating to selection for sports teams. We have lots of sports teams at KNSB and so many boys are keen to get involved in trials, as well as in recreational activities. If your son is currently a member of a sports team or would like to be but has been unsuccessful this time, it is important that you read this document as it will give you a clear idea of our policies and processes, as well as how your son can continue to be involved in sports activities at KNSB.

Nasal Flu spray – protecting against infectious disease (on behalf of Schools Immunisation Team)

Your child is due to have their Nasal Flu spray immunisation. The School Aged Immunisation Service (SAIS) will be offering these immunisations in school.

Please see the attached letter with details about the immunisation being offered.

Please use the link in the letter (click here) to let us know whether you do or do not wish your child to have the recommended vaccine. 

We advise that you copy and paste the link into Google Chrome

If you need help or advice completing the consent form, please contact the SAIS team on the phone number 0121 466 3410 or via email

New Opportunity to Work at KNSB

We are delighted to announce a new employment opportunity that is going live this week, for a Digital Technology Manager Please share feel free to share this advert across your networks if you feel you know someone who would be suitable and who shares our ethos.

Dates for your diary

Friday 4th October – Tuesday 7th October: Year 10/11 Paris trip

Thursday 10th October:  Open Evening – early finish for all students

Tuesday 15th October – Thursday 17th October: Year 10/11 Berlin trip

Thursday 17th October:  Year 10 Parent Information Evening

Monday 28th October – Friday 1st November: Half Term

Monday 4th November: Return to school for all students

Monday 4th November: Year 11 PPEs begin

Friday 20th September 2024

Year 11 Parent Information Evening 

Last night we shared information with the majority of our Year 11 parents about what their son’s final year at KNSB will be like and about how they can support him through this all-important period, in preparation for his GCSE examinations. If you missed this event, you can access the presentation here. Year 11 students have been given revision timetables this week to help them to get organised and start planning for their PPE revision, but they might need a little bit of support to organise and plan these. 

Period 6 

The Year 11 Period 6 timetable for next week can be accessed here These sessions have proven invaluable for our boys in the past, and provide opportunities to consolidate understanding of topics, identify and address misconceptions, and ensure that our students are fully prepared for their GCSE examinations. 

Period 6 sessions begin at 3.15 after pm registration and will finish between 3.45 and 4pm. All students have been informed about which sessions they are expected to attend. 

Mobile Phones 

There has been much media attention about students’ mobile phone use in schools in recent months, the DfE have provided guidance about their use, however for now the final decision around policy remains with each individual school. 

Although there are many positives around the current approach it is an area of great debate, and we feel that the time has come for a wider consultation to seek staff, student and families view on this matter.  Therefore, we will be dedicated this term to conducting some surveys to feed into our evaluation of the current policy.  Those opportunities will be shared via email and our Friday comms. 

Parent Forum 

The school is delighted to host a termly Parent Forum, in which key members of the school staff meet with a selection of parents to share ideas, give information or seek opinion. Topics are decided prior to each meeting, and recent meetings have focused on assessment, the school approach to SDfL (Self-Discipline for Learning), student leadership and extra-curricular activities. This term we intend exploring student rewards and seeking parental opinion on mobile phones in school. 

All parents are invited to join the Parent Forum, which meets in the school Drama Studio for a 6pm start. I will release the date of the first meeting shortly. 

If you haven’t been involved in Parent Forum before, I would really encourage you to come along. We have a regular group of parents who attend, but we are always looking for others to become involved. Parents of new students who have recently joined our Year 7 are particularly encouraged to take part. If you would like to be involved and haven’t yet made contact, please email me on with your son’s name and your contact details. 

Mr J. Butcher (Deputy Headteacher) 

Year 10 and 11 English Literature Texts 

If your son does not yet have his own copy of the literature text that he is currently studying, please could you support him with this as soon as possible. Year 10 students will be studying Macbeth by William Shakespeare this term and Year 11 students will be studying A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. Please let us know if you have financial difficulties and are unable to purchase a copy for your son via, and we will do our best to help out. 

Year 7 Student Data 

We are currently in the process of double-checking that we have all of the information that we need on file for our new Year 7 students, and on Friday next week, your son will come home with his individual data. We ask that parents carefully check all this information, make any amendments if needed and return the forms to school in the envelope provided by Friday 4th October. Once we have completed forms back and are satisfied that all details are correct, we will issue you with your details to the My Child at School (MCAS) app which will allow you to access ‘live’ information about your son, such as commendations. 

Physical Education School Sports Guidelines 

Our students get a wide range of opportunities to take part in many different sports at KNSB, both in lessons and at sports clubs and teams. To ensure that both kinds of activities are fully accessible to all and safely conducted, we have clear guidelines on conduct. Please spend some time reading our KNSB School Sports Guidelines, which can be found here:

Extra-Curricular Clubs 

Many of our extra-curricular clubs are starting next week (see below) – please encourage your son to get involved. 

Homework Club: General and SEND homework, in the library after school until 4pm on a Mon-Thurs and until 3.30pm on a Friday. 

Drama: This is for students from all year groups and will be begin in the week commencing 23rd September. This will be held on Wednesdays at 3:05 in the Drama room. 

Darts Club: This will be starting in the week commencing 23rd September and will take place in A1.9 according to the timetable below: 

  • Years 7 and 8: Friday lunchtimes (both weeks) 
  • Years 9,10,11: Week 1 Monday lunchtime and Week 2 Tuesday lunchtime. 

Spaces are limited to 15, so it is on a first come-first served basis. 

SparxMaths Club: This will take place on a Thursday 3:15-4pm in A2.6 for any students to get help with or just have a place to do their homework. 

Origami Club: This will begin in the week commencing 23rd September. It is for students in Years 7-9 and will take place in E1.4 on the following days: Week 1 – Friday lunchtime and Week 2 – Thursday lunchtime 

Vocal Group (Singing club): All Year 7-9 students are welcome to come and sing on Mondays in A1.12 12:25-12:45 

Year 9 and 10 Recreational Football Opportunity 

A Year 11 student who left us in the summer is offering a great chance for Year 9 and 10 students to get involved in some recreational football, and has this message: 

My name is Ben Jackson. I am an ex-student of KNSB, and I am starting a non-competitive football league that is fun and inclusive for students in years 9 and 10. I am starting this with the help of a grant from the Commonwealth Games Legacy Fund. It will be starting on 5th October and will take place at the University of Birmingham pitches. I am also looking for 16-year-olds who would be willing to volunteer as coaches or referees and could receive FA qualifications for their role.” 

If your son is interested in taking part in this, please check out this flyer for more information:

New Opportunity to Work at KNSB 

We would like to thank families for their patience as our usual organised start to year has been disrupted. We are aware that there have been some issues with our IT support as our new students get used to the software and apps that we use with such long-term success.  This is partly due to key staffing shortages, so we are delighted to announce a new employment opportunity that is going live this week, for a Digital Technology Manager

Please share feel free to share this advert across your networks if you feel you know someone who would be suitable and who shares our ethos. 

New Opportunity to Work at KNSB 

We are currently working with our catering provider AiP to bring you more upto date information regarding break and lunchtime food provision, please see the link below for the current full menu and item costs.

Dates for your diary 

26th September: Paris trip parent meeting 5pm 

26th – 29th September: Year 10/11 Barcelona trip 

04th – 7th October: Year 10/11 Paris trip 

15th – 17th October: Year 10/11 Berlin trip 

10th October: Open Evening – early finish for all students – more information to follow 

17th October: Year 10 Parent Information Evening 

Friday 13th September 2024

Year 11 Information

Year 11s have started their final year as KEVI KNSB students in a fantastic manner. It has been brilliant to see them embark on this crucial year with the right attitude and a positive mindset. This final stretch of their secondary education is not just about preparing for exams, but also about personal growth, developing critical thinking skills, and building resilience. As their Head of Year, I have been particularly impressed with their focus and mature outlook as they begin to take on the on the challenges and opportunities of Year 11. I look forward to seeing the many successes that the rest of this year will hopefully bring.  

Miss Yussuf

Year 11 Parent Information Evening

Year 11 Parent Information Evening will take place on Thursday 19th September in the main school hall from 5.30-6.30pm. This is a parent only event. You will learn about how best to support your son this year and have information about key milestones and events across the year. We look forward to seeing you there.

Period 6

The Period 6 timetable  begins next week for the vast majority of our Year 11 students. These sessions have proven invaluable for our boys in the past, and provide opportunities to consolidate understanding of topics, identify and address misconceptions, and ensure that our students are fully prepared for their GCSE examinations.

Period 6 sessions begin at 15:05 after pm registration and will be finished by 16:00. All students have been informed about which sessions they are expected to attend. More information will be shared at next week’s Year 11 Parent Information Evening about the communications you can expect to receive going forward regarding Period 6. 

Year 10 and 11 English Literature Texts

Key Stage 4 students are required to study a number of texts for their English Literature GCSE, and it is hugely advantageous for students to have their own copy of these. Year 10 students will be studying Macbeth by William Shakespeare this term and Year 11 students will be studying A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. Both texts can be purchased cheaply online from Amazon (other text providers are available!), and we would recommend your son having this as soon as possible. Please let us know if you have financial difficulties and are unable to purchase a copy for your son via, and we will do our best to help out.

Year 7 positive messages

Year 7 students have had a great start in their new school and are already looking like seasoned King’s Norton boys! Their teachers have been really keen to share their praise with us, and we thought it might be nice for you all to hear some of this too:

Miss Islam: Here are some real strengths of the Year 7 start so far:

  • 70 children turned out for football trials, and the talent in Year 7 is phenomenal.  I cannot wait for all the trophies to be lined up in my office!
  • The numbers of commendations being accrued by the children is wonderful – particular mention must go to Junior, with over 45 already!
  • Year 7s have been wonderful at forging relationships with the adults looking after them.
  • They have shown immense resilience as a team during this transition period.

In addition to Junior, the following students have also been commendation superstars, with over 40 commendations each!  

  • Elias M
  • Tom L
  • Alfred C
  • Mohammed D
  • Harrison H

I am a very proud Head of Year!

Miss Day: 7R have had a brilliant start to KNSB. They have shown enthusiasm and maturity in their first week.

Mr Cooke: Year 7s have had an excellent start to KNSB this year. I’ve had a lot of fun over the last week practising vowel phonics with my Spanish groups and playing slap the board with my French class. I hope their hard work continues into the year – well done so far boys!

Miss Grindrod: I have a delightful year 7 Spanish group. I’m so pleased with how well they’ve started, demonstrating our values such as self-discipline, teamwork, initiative and resilience. They’ve really engaged fully with learning a new language and are keen to try out and show-off what they’ve been learning in the lessons. It’s been a great start.

Miss Boyce: I have noticed how polite our new Year 7s are.  I have seen lots of them around school and they seem eager and happy to be here.  They look extremely smart in their uniforms too 😊

Mr Butler: Both of my maths groups have made really positive starts. Please encourage your son to maintain this high standard.

Mr Main: A couple of weeks ago, I had the privilege of meeting many of our new Year 7 boys at Summer School. We knew that they would have a positive start to their time at KNSB, but they have significantly exceeded our initial expectations. We are all so proud of their application and approach so far. Keep it up, Year 7!

Mrs While: The current year 7 Drama cohort has settled into their lessons exceptionally well. I have been incredibly impressed with their enthusiasm and bravery to tackle all tasks with 100% effort and engagement. Their zest for learning is brilliant. 

Mr Julian: This week I’ve had the pleasure of taking Year 7’s rock climbing. I’ve been so impressed with the boys, giving it their all through sunshine and rain, showing real resilience and taking themselves out of their comfort zone. 

Miss Nabi: The year 7s have really impressed me – their approach to the music lessons have been so positive. They have been respectful, engaged in the work and have tried their best with the tasks. So proud of the year 7s! 🙂 

Mr Davies: It has been a real pleasure getting to know our new cohort of Year 7s these past couple of weeks. They have proven to be brilliant historians so far, showing great enthusiasm for the subject with their contributions in class as well as earning plenty of commendations for their hard work. I look forward to seeing them progress further in History this year! 

Mr Garvey: Year 7s, it has been a pleasure to get to know you in the first few weeks and I know moving to secondary school can be a daunting experience. You have responded well to all the requests of the Physical Education department and have worked hard to establish the routines that we need to enable us to enjoy our physical activity. I look forward to seeing your progress throughout the year and hope to see as many of you as possible at our extracurricular clubs.  Well done and keep it up, 


This week saw the return of our students being set their maths homework on SparxMaths. Now in our 3rd year of using this platform, it provides automated, personalised, differentiated and scaffolded homework to enable all students to thrive. Last year our students answered nearly 600,000 questions correctly on the platform, and collectively spent over 12, 500 hours completing their maths homework.

This short parents’ guide (Sparx Maths – A parent’s guide to Sparx Maths) gives more information about SparxMaths, and ways you can support your child with their homework in mathematics. 

Extra-Curricular Clubs

In addition to the sports clubs which were shared last week, please see below other clubs that are/will be on offer to your son this year. Please encourage him to get involved – there is something for everyone:

Homework Club: General and SEND homework, in the library after school until 4pm on a Mon-Thurs and until 3.30pm on a Friday.

Drama: This is for students from all year groups and will be begin in the week commencing 23rd September. This will be held on Wednesdays at 3:05 in the Drama room.

Darts Club: This will be starting in the week commencing 23rd September and will take place in A1.9 according to the timetable below:

  • Years 7 and 8: Friday lunchtimes (both weeks)
  • Years 9,10,11: Week 1 Monday lunchtime and Week 2 Tuesday lunchtime.

Spaces are limited to 15, so it is on a first come-first served basis.

SparxMaths Club: This will take place on a Thursday 3:15-4pm in A2.6 for any students to get help with or just have a place to do their homework.

Origami Club: This will begin in the week commencing 23rd September. It is for students in Years 7-9 and will take place in E1.4 on the following days: Week 1 – Friday lunchtime and Week 2 – Thursday lunchtime

Vocal Group (Singing club): All Year 7-9 students are welcome to come and sing on Mondays in A1.12 12:25-12:45 – see below for more music clubs!

Dates for your diary

16th September:            Late start – 9.50 to allow for statutory staff medical needs training (please note, there will be a further late start as some point in Autumn 2, but we are awaiting confirmation of this date)

18th September:            Berlin trip parent meeting 4.30pm

19th September:            Year 11 Parent Information Evening 5.30pm

26th September:            Paris trip parent meeting 5pm

10th October:                Open Evening – early finish for all students – more information to follow

17th October:                Year 10 Parent Information Evening

Friday 06th September 2024

Welcome Back

Welcome to our Friday communications where we try and keep you informed and up to date on everything KNSB. Feedback from parents is that one dedicated place to share information helps them stay in touch, so again this year, we will try and ensure the majority of our communications are shared each Friday, keeping communication outside of this format for those urgent or time sensitive messages.

To our new students, a very special welcome! We are thrilled to have you join our school community. As you start this new chapter, know that you are now part of a supportive and vibrant environment where we strive to do our best.  Our dedicated staff team is here to guide and support you every step of the way and you have made a very good impression already.

To our returning students, welcome back! We are excited to continue our journey with you and to build on the successes of the past year. This year, we have an array of new opportunities and experiences planned, and we look forward to seeing you grow and achieve your goals.

To our parents and carers, thank you for your continued support and involvement in our school community. Your partnership is crucial in fostering a nurturing and effective learning environment for our students. We encourage you to stay engaged with us and to take an active role in your child’s educational journey.

As always, our focus remains on providing a high-quality education that not only meets academic standards but also prepares students for their future.  This has been, yet again, reinforced by some wonderful examination results and we are very proud of our 2024 leavers.  There have been some very happy students and, as a collective, our 2024 leaver results are well above the early indicators for national averages.  Once we have completed our analysis of the results, we will share a more detailed update.  

Here’s to a fantastic year ahead, full of learning, growth and achievement!


From the back-to-school information, you will know that attendance regulations have changed for all schools. We have uploaded here an important letter from Birmingham City Council; we will also be emailing this letter to you as we have to ensure we can track that we have delivered this letter to each family in our school community.

Some important points of note

Arriving late: if your son arrives in school later than 9:10am, we must mark him as an unauthorised late and he will not get a morning mark, which could have a significant impact on his overall attendance. 

Appointments: our families are really good at limiting the time their son takes off school for appointments, and often in the past parents have booked early appointments so they can get their son into school for as many lessons as possible. However, students now arriving after 9:10am will be marked as unauthorised lates even if there is a very good reason for his late arrival (e.g., dentist).  Therefore, if you can only get a medical appointment during the school day, please send your son into school first and then collect him for that appointment (e.g., leave school at 10am and return at 12pm). This would minimise disruption to learning and reduce any days missed for non-attendance.

Update to detention policy and procedures

We would like to make you aware of some changes to our detention procedures for this academic year. This has been shared with students this week.

  • For every 3 SDfL points a student loses they will sit a 35 minute after-school detention. This is a change from one hour last year. Parents will receive a text at least the day before with the detention date. Students will be escorted to the detention by their Form Tutor.
  • If a student fails to attend their SDfL detention, then they will be placed in a one hour after school detention on the following Friday. This is a change from last year whereby students were deducted 10 SDfL points. This detention will be staffed by a member of the Senior Leadership Team. If a student is absent on their detention day, then the 35-minute detention will be re-scheduled. Parents will receive text if a detention has been missed and informed of the new detention day.
  • If a student fails to attend both their initial 35-minute detention and their subsequent one hour Friday detention then they will be placed in Internal Suspension on the following Monday for a period of one day. Parents will be informed of this by text.

If there is any reason that a student is unable to complete a detention, please let their Form Tutor know (a hand-written note is fine) in the first instance. The detention will then be rearranged without incurring escalating consequences.

Year 7 Keeping Our Children Safe Online Zoom Meeting

Please click here for the flyer for a Year 7 Keeping Our Children Safe Online Zoom meeting on Tuesday 10th September . The link for attending this meeting will be sent to parents via text on Monday 9th.

Year 11 Period 6

We will once again be offering our Year 11 students the opportunity for further study time with their teachers via Period 6 sessions. These will commence for the majority of students and subjects in the week commencing 16th September.

These sessions have proven invaluable for our boys in the past, and provide opportunities to consolidate understanding of topics, identify and address misconceptions, and ensure that our students are fully prepared for their GCSE examinations.

Individual timetables for each student will be shared with next week.

Year 10 and 11 English Literature Texts

Key Stage 4 students are required to study a number of texts for their English Literature GCSE, and it is hugely advantageous for students to have their own copy of these. Year 10 students will be studying Macbeth by William Shakespeare this term and Year 11 students will be studying A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. Both texts can be purchased cheaply online from Amazon (other text providers are available!), and we would recommend your son having this as soon as possible. Please let us know if you have financial difficulties and are unable to purchase a copy for your son via, and we will do our best to help out.

Uniform and Lost Property

Every year we very quickly start to accrue items of lost property that students have misplaced in school. Some of these are smaller items, like pencil cases, but even expensive coats and trainers end up there and are never claimed. To ensure that we can return items that are handed in back to their rightful owner, please make sure that all your son’s uniform, including his school bag (and anything else you can label) is clearly labelled with both first and last names. 

PE Extra-Curricular Activities

Our outdoor sports and activities are central to our curriculum here at KNSB and we are pleased to get started with our extra-curricular activities this year. Please click here for the timetable of activities for the Autumn term.

PE Extra-Curricular Activities

Year 7: Monday 9th September

Year 8: Thursday 12th September

Year 9: Wednesday 11th September

All pupils who want to trial must head to the sports hall straight after school on their selected dates. Pupils MUST have PE kit to take part.

Dates for your diary

10th September:           Year 7 Keeping Our Children Safe Online 6:30pm – Online Zoom meeting

11th September:            Barcelona trip parent meeting 5pm

13th September:           INSET day – school will be closed to all students

16th September:           Late start – 9.50 to allow for statutory staff medical needs training (please note, there will be a further late start as some point in Autumn 2, but we are awaiting confirmation of this date)

18th September:           Berlin trip parent meeting 4.30pm

19th September:           Year 11 Parent Information Evening 5.30pm

26th September:           Paris trip parent meeting 5pm

10th October:               Open Evening – early finish for all students – more information to follow

17th October:               Year 10 Parent Information Evening