Provider Access Legislation (PAL)
This policy statement sets out the school’s arrangements for managing the access of providers to students at the school for the purpose of giving them information about the provider’s education or training offer. This complies with the school’s legal obligations under Section 42B of ‘The Education Act’, 1997.
As part of our CEIAG programme, we will consider requests from approved training, apprenticeship and vocational education providers to speak to students. We also approach these providers when planning and organising key CEIAG events throughout the school year. (It should be noted that King’s Norton Boys’ School no longer has a Sixth Form and so we cannot offer providers time to speak to students aged 17-18 years.)
All requests should be emailed at least 6 weeks in advance of a proposed date for the talk/workshop. In the first instance, requests by providers should be sent to to discuss the following:
- The proposed format, timings and duration of the planned session(s);
- The number of DBS certified staff from the provider’s organisation who propose to visit; and
- Any support requirements needed from the school.
All requests will be given due consideration from the designated Careers Leader and Senior Leadership Team. Requests will be considered against:
- Clashes with other planned activities or visits;
- Interruption to preparation for public or internal examinations; and
- Availability of school staff, space and resources to host the session;
A request will be refused if:
- The information or activities delivered are detrimental to the safety or wellbeing of students or staff;
- Providers promote discriminatory views in relation to the protected characteristics listed in ‘The Equality Act’, 2010;
- Providers who promote or glorify extreme ideological, religious or political views;
- Providers who have affiliations with political groups or whose resources are deemed to promote a political agenda;
- Providers who fail to meet our ‘Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy’; or
- If granting the request would be likely to bring the school into disrepute,
For questions on this policy statement or the wider CEIAG programme at King’s Norton Boys’ School please do not hesitate to contact