What student leadership opportunities are available at KNBS?
King Edward VI King’s Norton School for Boys students are given the opportunity to lead on many areas within our school community. By experiencing leading certain projects and working as part of specific teams, students will be well equipped to take on and flourish leadership roles once they leave. The creation of different leadership pathways also contributes to the successful school environment at King Edward VI King’s Norton School for Boys, as students can play a direct role in the decision making on issues around the school.
The King Edward VI King’s Norton School for Boys ‘STRIVE’ values of Self-discipline, Teamwork, Resilience, Initiative, Vision and Endeavour underpin all the efforts and projects undertaken by the different student leadership pathways throughout the year.
Students will often be asked to relate and reflect on these values throughout their tasks.
Head boy & Prefect team
Our Head Boy and Prefect Team are made up from Year 11 students who are outstanding role models and want to contribute to the life of King Edward VI King’s Norton School for Boys
The Head Boy Team is made up of a Head Boy, alongside deputies and Head Prefects. Each Head Prefect is responsible for a specific student leadership area: Sports Rep; Peer Mentoring; Eco-travel Reps and School Council and help run these programmes in school.
The Prefect Team help with whole school community events, such as: remembrance services, open evenings, parent evenings and charity events.
Our Head Boy:
Our Head Boy and Deputy Head Boys:
Our Head Boy & Prefect Team:
School Council
The school council are democratically chosen from each tutor group to represent students’ ideas and thoughts on King Edward VI King’s Norton School for Boys. Students attend a year team meeting every half term to discuss and action ways to make the day-to-day life of a King Edward VI King’s Norton School for Boys pupil as enjoyable and productive as possible. These discussions and actions are then taken to the school cabinet meetings to discuss further
School Cabinet
The school cabinet are also chosen democratically from within the student school council. At the start of the year, the school council elect a treasurer, secretary, and communications officer. Two school council reps from each year are also elected to represent their year group at these meetings. These students meet every half-term to discuss any immediate issues and projects in progress within King Edward VI King’s Norton School for Boys and help implement positive changes
School Cabinet Consists of:
• Chair – Head Prefect
• Treasurer – Elected by school council
• Secretary – Elected by school council
• Communications Rep – Elected by school council
• 2 reps from each year group – (nominated during year team meetings)
Eco Travel Reps
Here at King Edward VI King’s Norton School for Boys, we want to play our part in helping climate change. Eco reps are democratically chosen from each tutor group. The eco reps create ideas and opportunities to make our school as environmentally friendly as possible. They meet every half term to discuss and implement ideas.
Sport Reps
Sports reps are chosen democratically from within each form group. Their role is to organise and contribute to the success of our house games programme. Sports reps meet half termly to discuss all things sports including the extra-curricular provision at King Edward VI King’s Norton School for Boys.
Peer Mentoring
Our peer mentors are made up from Year 10 students who wish to help other students at King Edward VI King’s Norton School for Boys. Our peer mentors are there to support new Year 7 students transition to secondary school, as well as aid any other student who may require help in school.
Our Peer Mentors: