Outdoor Adventure Programme

Students will select one of the activities they did last year to specialise in this year.

  • Climbing
  • Mountain biking
  • Canoeing
  • Dinghy Sailing


Year 9 students have the opportunity to participate in sessions at ‘Creation’, a purpose-built climbing centre, if they choose climbing as one of their two outdoor activity choices. These day sessions (consisting of approximately 5 hours) focus on further developing climbing skill sets and progression towards the Silver and Gold awards. 

Mountain biking

In year 9 students have the opportunity to participate in a second day session. Here they further develop the same techniques but in their natural environment. Students are taught how to pick the correct lines with an emphasises on group and risk management in a remote setting. In addition to this, individuals learn how to minimise their environmental impact and gain an appreciation and understanding of sustainability.


Here they further develop the same paddling techniques whilst undertaking an adventurous journey. Students are taught how to adjust their paddling skills to suit the different body of water. In addition to these adjustments, there is an added emphasises on group and risk management in an expedition setting. These developments allow students to work towards and demonstrate the necessary skills and knowledge to achieve their Silver and Gold awards.


Students have the opportunity to go dinghy sailing at Bartley Green Reservoir with the school’s own fleet of sailing boats. After achieving each level, students are awarded with a certificate to show recognition for the skills they have developed and provide a record of their personal achievements. In addition to undertaking activities that lead them towards achieving their awards, students also undertake deep-water exercises. Using the specialised equipment provided these exercises are designed to increase their understanding of essential deep-water management and help develop their confidence in open water. Once completed, students move onto capsize drills. These controlled activities are important for students to be able manage and take responsibility of the sailing boats in open water. 

Duke of Edinburgh – Bronze Award

The Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) Award is a non-competitive, internationally recognised programme designed to encourage young people to develop positive skills and lifestyle habits. The Award is about personal challenge. It provides a balanced program of voluntary activities which encourages personal discovery and growth, self-reliance, perseverance, responsibility to themselves and service to their community.

The DofE programme consists of three progressive levels which, when completed, leads to a Bronze, Silver or Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. At King Edward VI King’s Norton School for Boys students are offered the opportunity to participate with the Bronze DofE Award in year 9.

There are four sections to complete at Bronze level. They involve helping the community/environment; participating in a physical activity; developing new skills; and working as a team to plan, train and complete an expedition.